I took my daughter to a local park which was quite busy with the nice weather. I see a man and woman, 20s or 30s, pull in and each park their SUVs in handicapped spots.

As I’m watching this unfold, they get out and talk for a bit then stretch and start jogging together on a trail and surrounds the park.

There were plenty of non handicapped spaces so I’m not sure why they did this other than it was close to the trail.

I thought about it for a while, took a picture of their vehicles, then called the police non emergency number and left an anonymous tip.

Unfortunately by the time they returned, finished their make out session, and left the police had not arrived so I called them back and said not to come:

AITAH? My late father had rheumatoid arthritis and was a wounded vet so idk it just struck a nerve with me.