I (18,M) just graduated high school and am going to college in the fall. My girlfriend (17, F) will be a senior this year.

Yesterday she told me she’s pregnant. At first, I felt sick. But then I was like “what? How?” I used a condom every single time. You might not believe me, but I swear I did. I know condoms aren’t 100% but I never had a condom break, come off, leak, nothing. So I don’t really see how this is possible

I told her I won’t believe her until I see a pregnancy test, and even if she is pregnant I won’t believe it’s mine until I see a DNA test. I mean, if it’s true and I really got her pregnant I’ll be there and support her even if it totally derails my life, but I honestly know how I could have got her pregnant.

She’s been really sad about me graduating and leaving. She cried on my last day of school. So I feel like this has something to do with her just wanting to keep me here or something.

Of course she cried and called me an insensitive asshole and “isn’t talking to me” right now. She could have sent me a pic of the test, but I’ve seen nothing.

AITAH for telling my girlfriend I won’t believe she’s pregnant until I see a positive pregnancy test and I won’t believe a baby is mine until I see a dna test?