My girlfriend was in a car accident with my best friend. She passed away and he is hospitalized. I went to visit him and he admitted that they were having an affair.

He said our newborn daughter was actually his. He was afraid that he was not going to make it and he wanted me to know the truth.

I was broken. I had just lost my girlfriend, my best friend, and now maybe all I had left.

I took a paternity test and I am not the father. I approached my church as they are affiliated with a private adoption organization.

I am thinking of putting my child up for adoption. I am on the birth certificate. I am her legal father. My mom and dad have been helping me but I have not told them yet that she isn't biologically mine.

Am I the asshole for considering this?


Adding some questions.

  1. Am I legally allowed to make decisions for this baby?

  2. Considering that my girlfriend's mom and dad kicked her out because she wouldn't have an abortion do you think they are the best choice for this baby?

  3. My ex friend is not going to be able to take care of himself much less a baby for years. He also did not want to take responsibility for her before. Why would he now?

  4. Does anyone have any more legal standing than I do with regards to my daughter?