I have been dating Mark for 2 years now and he moved in with me 4 months ago, with his 19yo daughter Lindy. Mark and I split the bills down the middle, Lindy doesn't contribute, though she has a full time job making $16 an hour. I never had any intentions of making her pay anything but her eating habits are driving me up the wall.

She has a "food routine" for breakfast, lunch and snacks (I'm told she has OCD and it's an OCD thing). She has 6 pieces of toast every morning between 6-8am. 2 with peanut butter, 2 with butter, 2 with jelly. By 10am she makes herself 2 hard boiled eggs because she's "starving". She eats 2 grilled cheese for lunch around 12-12:30. She then eats again at 2 (before leaving for work), where she has 2 packages of ramen noodles. Her snack? She takes spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar several times a day. Dinner she usually eats at work, but when she's home she eats more than me and Mark combined. When she gets home, she has no less than two bowls of cereal - where she fills the milk to the top and then just pours it down the drain after (as in drinks none of the milk and just wastes it). And no, she's not overweight. Id say she's a healthy weight. Maybe 130lbs and she's 5'9" tall.

Now.. I'm going through an entire loaf of bread a day. A big jar of peanut butter doesn't last more than 3 days. I'm buying a carton of eggs every 2 days. I'm lucky to make a gallon of milk last a day. Mark and I hardly ever eat bread, peanut butter or eggs. Maybe once a week at most for sandwiches and eggs is MAYBE once a month. Despite me and Mark both contributing to food, I'm finding that I'm spending nearly $400 extra a month just due to her intake on the items listed above. I told Mark I would no longer be buying these items and either he can or his daughter can. He argued that everything is supposed to be 50/50 (what we agreed on). So I told him that his daughter would be buying it herself then because I'm NOT buying this stuff anymore and if it continues to be a problem than she needs to find elsewhere to live, because she literally throws piss fits if this food isn't stocked in the house. He was pissed (he doesn't think his daughter should have to pay for anything so she has money saved to move out). AITA?

ETA: I think a lot of people are skipping over the part where I told him he either needs to be buying this food for his daughter OR she needs to, that's when he argued that everything was supposed to be 50/50 (hence, he doesn't want to fully contribute to his daughters eating habits and expects me to continue working out the money). I said if they don't start buying it and it becomes an issue for me, she will need to leave. Because when these items are not stocked in the home (and I'm the ONLY one who buys it), she slams doors, she bitches at us for not going grocery shopping, etc. It becomes MY problem, inside my home, my peaceful place. I have zero tolerance for it anymore.