This is my first time posting.

I (24F) have stopped wearing bras since 2016 so around 15- 16 years old. I never like them and found them so uncomfortable, so I decided to not wear them anymore. Anyways my bf (26M) has been having an issue with it lately especially since the season is become hotter. We’ve talked about it and he says that he does not feel comfortable me showing my girls (mind you I have small/medium breasts) He goes on about how I don’t want other guys looking at them and how he doesn’t want to share? I don’t know. I’ve explained to him that I’ve never had an issue where it bothers people. He then asked me how my past relationships felt with this and I told him honestly. They’ve never had a problem with it or were bothered by it and some how made him more upset. I’ve tried to explain my side and as much as I understand his pov, I just don’t want to wear them. So AITA? I just need a different perspective and advice will be much appreciated.

Edit: I didn’t think it would cause lots of attention 😅 but it is Reddit. I’ve always read stories and debated on posting mine cause I know how ruthless some of you can be, but I do appreciate everyone supporting me and being very helpful. I’m really grateful !!

Also another thing, I wear T-shirts and tank tops. Nothing revealing. My usual outfit is just a T-shirt and jeans/shorts. The shirts I wear are mostly thick material so no see through shirts. I’ve had many people message me about that so thought I’ll answer it here. I think when people hear the word “braless” they think they must be wearing very revealing clothes (even so there’s nothing wrong with that) Im not into it. I prefer being comfy and if I do dress up I wear a dress but again some dress have think material on the chest area so it doesn’t show. Again I have small/medium breasts😅 they’re not huge (I do envy my big chest friends but I know it hurts) I think I was a 32B??? Back in 2016. Bras are just uncomfortable and expensive.

We met and dated during the summer of last year. I did let him know right away about not wearing bras and he didn’t mind. I always tell anyone I’m seeing that I don’t wear them because I do understand it makes them uncomfortable. But he didn’t mind back then.

Anyways we are gonna talk about it again when he comes home. He messaged first and apologized. So let’s see how it goes. I might use some of the suggestions I’ve read in the comments. Thank you again for hearing me out !!