My gf and I have been together for about a year.

Her former fwb, let's call him M, has know her for about 5 years. Based on what my gf told me, while she considers him a friend, they've never actually done anything more than meet up at a bar and hook up, literally, they've never done anything else, but my gf still considered him a friend.

M actually lives about an hour away from our town, but we frequently go to that town because it's significantly bigger and more fun. We've run into M every now and then, and every time he hits on my gf.

The other day, my gf went out with a friend, i didnt go because i had an early morning.. Later she calls me and says she won't make it back, as she drunk too much and her friend left with a guy. She runs into M, and says M is gonna let her stay the night.

I told her this made me uncomfortable and offered to pay for a hotel, or if she's willing to wait, I'd come by and pick her up.

She insisted on staying the night with M. I asked one last time to please let me pick her up. She said it's fine.

I told her "fine then, we're done." And hung up on her.

She then called me again, texted me, left voice-mail. I ignored them.

We dont live together, but the next day she came over place and yelled at me. She insisted that nothing happened or was ever gonna happen, but I told her that I'm not gonna stress over if something happened or not, so I just broke up with her so even if something did happen, it's not my business.