Just finished one of my routine telehealth consultations with my doctor who helps manage my Adderall prescription. She's super informative and told me about these new changes that are going to make it harder to receive prescriptions through telehealth services. It's already in the works and will be happening around May of this year. So patients will be required to have in-person appointments with their prescriber to have a valid prescription. My prescriber doesn't live in the same city as me, so I'm going to have to start considering my options, which are basically slim to none.

This isn't even just about Adderall. This screws over so many other patients who found that telehealth was a convenient way to fit in routine appointments for refills. Without telehealth, I wouldn't have been able to start taking care of my mental health. There are very few clinics where I live, and it was difficult to find a place that was convenient for my schedule, affordable, dealt with my specific needs, and also didn't have a several-months-long wait-list for new patients.

The DEA is attacking the wrong people and making it harder for genuine patients to get the care that they need to function. Absolutely ridiculous. Has anyone else heard anything about this?

Edit: here's a link I found about it: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/03/01/2023-04248/telemedicine-prescribing-of-controlled-substances-when-the-practitioner-and-the-patient-have-not-had