I am 33. My skin is “fine”- generally clear, maybe some clogged pores around my chin and nose, some redness around my nose and into my cheeks, fine lines on forehead and around eyes, and some dullness. I think I’m noticing pore size more often as well especially around my forehead. My skin is a little dry and maybe sensitive. I use pretty simple products right now (cereve/cetephil cleanser and Vanicream moisturizer) but have noticed in the past that introducing new products can leave me red and breaking out.

I started using retinol through a L’Oreal revitalift moisturizer, worked up to using it nightly, but I haven’t noticed much difference in my overall skin texture or look (using for about 6 Months). I just ran out and want to start using something else for anti-aging prevention and overall skin improvement. I’m reading so much about tretinoin- but wondering if that’s really where I should start when my skin isn’t too bad. Would I be better off trying something like a 1% retinol serum or the retinal formulation from Greek and Gorgeous and seeing if I get the results I’m looking for or going up to tret from there?