Here's how to follow her in REAL TIME.

Pelosi’s $AVGO, Broadcom calls can be seen on UW.

She bought $800 calls, expiring 06/20/2025 (352 days)

You can make a custom alert on UW for when she exits:


On Nov 22 2023, Nancy Pelosi and her husband bought Nvidia, $NVDA calls, a leveraged bet Nvidia would go up. She just now bought 10,000 more shares in $NVDA on June 24th 2024. ...

Since Nov 22, Nvidia is up 156%. Her calls have made her over $4 million, over TWENTY times her salary in 224 days.

I want to give you the history of Pelosi, her $NVDA trading, and show the conflicts within Congress:

Let’s start in December 2021. After a history of unusual trading, from Visa, trading during the GFC, and buying before stimulus bills, Nancy Pelosi was asked if she thinks US Congress members should trade despite legislative conflicts by Bryan Metzger.

She said, "We are a free market economy. Congress should be able to participate in that". Insane.

In Jan 2022 Unusual Whales releases their most famous trading report, showing Congress beat the market. Nancy Pelosi is listed as the fifth best trader in Congress.

That report creates a flurry of media and outrage, while the report continues to go viral. Within seven days of publishing, five new bills banning members of Congress from trading are proposed.

In the summer of 2022, it is revealed that Nancy Pelosi was trading millions of dollars of $NVDA, Nvidia before voting on a US semiconductor bill by the Biden administration.

We reported on her trading to outrage by the public. Interestingly, for the first time in history, a few days later Nancy Pelosi disclosed trades made on the same day they were made. This is likely the fastest disclosure in history of US Congress. She reported that she sold out of her Nvidia position, the first time she divested from conflicts in her portfolio. Despite taking 45 days for every other disclosure, she made this one instantly. Hilarious.

One month later Nancy Pelosi proposed alongside Representative Lofgren her own Congressional trading ban, a bill which was incredibly weak and filled with loopholes.

And then, Pelosi stopped trading. Well, until her $NVDA leveraged bet.

Right now, she still is holding onto her calls, and just bought more $NVDA shares. Let’s look at the context around her call buying.

One week after Chinese President Xi visits her home state of California, and before Biden announces new US semiconductor focuses, her husband decided to buy two million dollars of deep in-the-money Nvidia calls, the same company she divested from due to conflicts a year earlier.

What’s worse On Dec 11th, before she bought in November, U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo said that Nvidia could sell slower AI chips to China to comply with US export controls. And then, on Dec 28th, NVDA launched a modified version of an advanced chip precisely to get around US restrictions.

Nvidia now has released new US chips, and has hit all time highs (once again). Of course, none of this is insider trading, but it does seem unusual, especially given scrutiny of Nvida by the government.

Why does she trade ITM tech calls, you may ask? It allows for one to be bullish with less capital upfront, and the contracts move 1 delta to the stock. We wrote more about it on our research site, which you can find in our bio.

She has now seemingly doubled her position in $NVDA, adding 1,180,000 more $NVDA shares. Reminder, she initially divested from this trade WHEN THERE WAS A CONFLICT IN THE BILL.

One terrible thing about her Nvidia trades are that they are done when Congress was in session!!!!!! You can use Unusual Whales to find the exact price she paid for her options and leveraged bets.

What’s more, Pelosi seems to DISCLOSE her Nvidia trades when no one is looking, usually during short weeks (for example the trade was randomly disclosed after nine days this time), when the market closes RIGHT BEFORE a holiday, and while most people focus on Biden’s current campaign issues.

If you think that one of the most powerful politicians in the US can, or even should, have leveraged bets over an incredibly important company to US infrastructure, that is okay. But there might be something worthwhile in understanding how members of Congress trade, and the data suggests as such. Pelosi herself has lost a ton on trades, including when she divested from $NVDA last year, and yet despite that she decided to enter into it again.

But moreover, she CONTINUES to buy leveraged positions on crucial american companies, for example, buying $AVGO, Broadcom on June 24th. She (or her husband) continues to trade without recourse, despite being an incredibly important member of Congress.

So we will keep reporting on Pelosi, and Congress, and the history of unusual trading. Pelosi's portfolio itself is up around 112% over twelve months. If you want to find and follow her portfolio, you can do so on Unusual Whales in our Portfolio tab.

Pelosi has made likely twenty million this year alone off her tech portfolio, with a networth close to $300 million. No matter what trade or conflict though, I will report on it. If you believe this is an important issue, I ask you share this tweet with your friends and family.

Congress cannot hide from me, I will continue to report on the data, and I will not stop until Congress is banned from trading.

Happy fourth of July.

