This subreddit will focus on explaining, how Spiritual Energy is another form of expression of your vital energy from your Spirit (soul/astral body/etheric body/energetic body/emotional body/true self) to help spread this information and help everyone learn about the different spiritual/biological discoveries, usages and benefits that were documented on the activation of this type of energy.

This community presents to you an opportunity to empower yourself with your control of your Spiritual Energy by gaining the ability to really tap into all the reported, documented and written spiritual/ biological usages that are said to be achievable with your conscious cultivation of it.

What does Spiritual Energy mean/Represents:

Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.

• Everyone has a certain amount of Spiritual Energy and if you have what is considered a healthy/higher amount of it to a certain degree, you have the key to access "superhuman" abilities.

• People with that necessary above-average level of Spiritual Energy are very rare because of the way most societies were forced to develop many ways that can reset their level of Spiritual Energy back to its basis. This is all because of the detrimental energy sources that exist that most consume like alcohol, cigarettes and other short circuiting substances, Pornographic content and the culture of wasting one's sexual essence.

• Fasting to remove toxins, Change of diet, Consideration of the moral choices of the food you choose for energy, Meditation, Prostration 5 times a day, Retention for more than 90 days, Meridians unblocking, Spiritual Energy Circulation and Knowledge of Spiritual Energy are required to develop Higher, Healing and Limitless levels of Spiritual Energy.

• Activating your Spiritual Energy should feel comfortable, good, euphoric, ecstatic, healing, quenching from the insides and not hurtful, exhausting or like it has a limit

• Sources from nature all emit Spiritual Energy in their own way which you can learn how to absorb to benefit from their qualities.

• Everything emits some Vital Energy to some degree, which can be sensed as Tension or Aura. The ability to sense it is available to everyone. Doing so depends on the health/level of your Spiritual Energy and can be increased with the right knowledge/practice how to.

• That Vital Energy is equivalent to what can be considered your "Spiritual Energy" because your spirit (soul/astral body/etheric body/ energetic body/emotional body/true self) is made of that same energy in motion that activates when you experience it.

• In its neutral state, you unconsciously draw that energy with your breath, the foods/liquids you consume and especially the thoughts you think, the actions you do and the visual content that you watch either emits or draws in to amplify your base of this BioElectric Energy.

Here's a simple way that's explains how you can become aware of your Spiritual Energy, it is that extremely comfortable Euphoric wave that can most easily be recognized as present while you experience goosebumps/chills from a positive external or internal situations/ stimuli like listening to a song you really like, thinking about a lover, watching a moving movie scene, striving, feeling thankful, praising God, praying, etc.

• That Euphoric wave is the animating energy behind life itself, Other cultures that have experienced in other ways with this energy found their own usages for it and then documented their results as they coined different terms for it.

• That energy activates goosebumps/chills not the other way around. You can learn how to separate that extremely pleasant energy from the physical reaction of goosebumps and eventually learn how to activate only that Euphoric energy part whenever you please, feel it wherever or everywhere on yourself and for the duration you choose.

• It was discovered that this energy can be used in many beneficial ways. Some which are more biological like physical goosebumps and I discovered other usages which are more spiritual like Energy Absorption  and even more .