(F40) A month ago, I came back after travelling solo for 6 months and I was happy to. I was burning out from changing cities, countries, accommodations too often. Making new friends and saying bye after a few days. I was starting to lose my 'travel purpose'.

This week I couldn't shake off a sad feeling and I realised I miss who I am when I travel. I'm more open-minded, positive and adventurous. Yeah I had ups and downs during my trip but I was feeling great about myself and others.

I can and will create an environment where I can feel that way again but I miss the solo travel vibe, the variety of landscape, food, people, smell, activities, etc. I felt like a kid again discovering the world and myself and I miss it! Anyone dealt with a grieving feeling coming back? Any tips?

I can't wait to go again :-) !


First, thanks for the messages and sharing tips and experiences! Right now, I don't have time to respond individually but I've read them all. Yesterday, I decided to take action and checked Meetups for anything. I found an event and arrived 10 min late. I saw a group and asked if it was the Meetup event, they said no but invited me to join. 4 hours later I made new friends, some local, some not. It reminded me that I can create the circumstances to make it happen.

Tomorrow, I'm going to a practical philosophy event and soon a cooking class. This is my accountability message I'm sharing with Reddit and a bunch of supporting strangers: Yeah, it's easy not to fall into a rut when I'm exploring the world but I REFUSE to let it happen again! I was bored to death/ depression before I left. No more!