Feedback welcomed for any ways users would prefer to continue the protest.

I apologise, I would have done this sooner, but there are life things to attend to when you're in your third trimester of pregnancy! On that note:

Call out for new moderators

I have been the only active mod here for some time. I don't mind doing it, and rarely do I need to ban anyone or severely restrict content because for the most part, the downvotes speak for themselves. I still need assistance, because this is a big community and I can't be the only active mod here. Hit up the modmail with a message if you would like to help; it's very much a thankless task, and you may have your work stomped all over by shitty site admins, but someone has to make sure the spambots and hate speech stays out. Briefly answer the following questions in your modmail:

  1. Why do you want to help moderate this community?
  2. Do you have any previous moderation experience, or experience that would be helpful to the role?
  3. What do you love most about permaculture?
  4. Which dinosaur is your favourite? (Mine is ankylosaurus.)