The tests are free and take like 5 minutes, unless you go at the end of the month when everyone who forgot is trying to get it done. 

Unless you're missing your catalytic converter (and haven't spoofed the sensor), have a crazy tune or the engine is burning a lot of oil, you'll be fine.

I would avoid going through Chicago. They will arrest people for legally possessing a gun. I would avoid the highways going through the suburbs too, but that's due to the construction currently going on.

You mean the company that Daley sold the parking meters to needs the money?

X1C+AMS, CR10 S5

I would print a positive model of what you want. Then smooth it, either ABS vapor smoothing or PLA and sanding. Then make a silicone mold of that for casting your chocolate.

Also Japan is actually 100v. Most electronics will use universal adapters so it won't matter but if you get something with a heater, it could run too hot.

For a free floating gun you can look at it as a basic momentum or force equation. The mass of the gun is significantly higher than the bullet. So the gun moves far less than the bullet in the time that it takes to exit the barrel. 

For a real situation, you don't limply hold it. You are providing a good damping force. The gun just doesn't move enough in that time for it to matter.

No the driver safety aspect is not actually present in the paper.

It's odd. I don't see it in the citations but a few are in German so it could be those.

They could also just be assuming that since the light is on the road, it's fine.

Did you read the article? The study and results were entirely about insect population and nothing about driver safety. That was a brief assumption made in the abstract.

If you read through the paper it doesn't actually say that. There was a brief mention of that in the abstract, but the paper contains no research on the driver safety aspect of the proposed lighting.

Deer absolutely do. Drunk people walking stumble into the road. Kids out at night do stupid things.

I think I would rather see the people, animals, anything else on the side of road.

If you live in lefty state like Illinois, it could take months to get one.

Here the process is get a FOID, which is 30 days for approval as long as they don't randomly audit the application or just sit on it. The another week or so for the card to get printed, then another week for shipping and then when you go to actually buy, it's a 3 day waiting period. 

X1C+AMS, CR10 S5

So make a proof of concept piece. Make a small cylinder with probably 2 holes down the center, then manually add some gcode at staggered layers to inject your rivets. Then compare the strength to a solid cylinder of the same size.

Absolutely necessary for a functioning democracy. If that was disqualifying, it would be easy for a ruling party to get rid of opponents. 

Russia is an example of that.

Solar/wind/nuclear are absolutely important to implement. However, they only lower carbon emissions, not remove it from the atmosphere.

X1C+AMS, CR10 S5

An easier way to do that would be to leave a hole for a machine screw and good sized washers on both sides. Though unless it's a really thin part, you can generally get away with just printing slower and hotter.

The error bars for the 95% confidence window of that 30% number are huge once you get a few months out. If I read the chart correctly, it ranges from 100% of the tax to a slight reduction in price.

A better conclusion from that study is that companies ease consumers into the new price.

I did, they were being pedantic with the "well technically it's not 100%".

Finding a good TSA agent would be more newsworthy.

They're around but the standard here is to advertise based on the brand of gas being sold rather than the brand of convenience store. There's a Casey's near me, but you wouldn't even notice it because all the branding is Mobil.

No it wouldn't. Trees do not release all of the carbon into the environment when they die. Some gets buried underground. If the new tree absorbs as much carbon as the old one and some is buried, that's a carbon sink.

Also in a healthy forest, new trees grow when the old ones die, increasing the carbon sink effect of the forest.