Khula is not the right

Given by islam its just

An english court law

- sansi1278

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Best girls come in small

Packages too, mhm, little

Pocket rocket yum

- coups79

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It got that bounce too

It an I love the wit it

Do in them tight s

- mud1983fly

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From what you described

It sounds like a module could

Be the way to go

- Pineapple-Due

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He sucks but Juan is

The scarier water gym

Leader imo

- GigaEel

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Damn thats a good deal.

Might want to get a better

Power supply though

- W_h3nry

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Hell yeah the hammer

Is my favorite weapon

In this game so far

- MrFingerguns1

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Mmmhmmmm, I love it.

I would eat that asshole and

Pussy from behind

- Alarmed_Macaron8310

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user text is here

Dont get yourself a

Hippa violation man, it aint

Worth the internet clout

- freemarketfemboy

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Nolan chance can get

Deleted and i dont think

Anyone would care

- Scared-Slip-9557

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Volga Germans are the

Most interesting to me.

How did that happen?

- mw910

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Hi Beans! I agree,

F k fireworks, all my fur

Homies hate fireworks!

- -Mr-Bradley-D-

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Chadtopian Citizen

What a nice act, so

They met the john cena, so they

Have to go back home?

- FarDurian9168

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How many girls do

You live with your bathroom is

A walking salon

- MoonBroski

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I hope they at least

Oil up the truth before I

Get shafted with it

- PushThePig28

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I like the units

And I already put too

Much time into it

- Scared_Geologist_582

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You can ask nicely

If they would like to take what

You have to offer

- InsideComfortable936

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Use the seam as a

Perspective clothesrack of Mr.

Burns animal clothes

- cgfalconwolf

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Totally fine to

Leave it compressed. It also

Protects the stanchion

- contrary-contrarian

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Can I follow up

And ask how far in advance

The times are announced?

- gball54

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This wine got featured

On top chef where they needed to

Pair wines with pork dishes

- Think-Culture-4740

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NTAH the love for a

Child os different then the

Love for a partner

- Peach-Pineapple589

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Those owls belong in

Them cages, those predators

Be moving in flocks

- quetzalcoatl1492

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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Looks like rage bait to

Me, especially because

Of that blue check mark

- pickledbread72

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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My vote is for planned

Pooling as well! A blanket

Would look great that way

- The_Cheese_Library

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