Probably. No matter how much the narrative of “sex is just sex” is pushed, ultimately its tied to emotions and love on some level.

More emotional charge. Pain, rejection, anger all come together in a toxic release.

Fearful Avoidant

Typically people tolerate pain (unfulfilling relationship) to not deal with an even larger pain (breakup, another failed relationship, childhood pain that gets to the surface through attachment rupture). Theres other reasons as well ofcourse

I mean its an assumption. I think desire is tied to challenge, which in a way is the balance of power.

Welcome to be proven wrong

I think this modality might be the one that helps people connect to their core. And then hopefully take that core into further therapies to address other issues.

Just guessing but am hopeful

35. I was travelling, went off meds to try mdma therapy to deal with some attachment issues.

Realized just about all of my life choices and personality is from trauma.

So you think qeeg/neurofeedback doesnt have a proper use in treating ptsd?

Yea agreed it is highly sedating. I also realized it numbed out all of the anxiety which i actually needed to feel pressured to get stuff done. I absolutely need fear as a motivator which really sucks.

Curious, why Lexapro at night?

Wait what? He has to be the most up to date person on trauma treatment.

I can never seem to get benefits from TRE i must be doing it wrong

Is daily TRE better for the nervous system or yoga?

I dint really get why but ok lol

Bah, I am rubber you are glue

I thought thats the same med? Lexapro and Escitalopram?

Im on Lexapro rn, have almost no libido. On concerta, all i want to do is spread my semen and carry women around using my teeth.

Why is it always all or nothing, i just want to be normal lol

Sadly it never did for me.

I would be so happy and euphoric during the high, but the crash and period after the crash it was like having crushing pain along with the world looking so dark and dangerous.

I think it helps how you time water/food/exercise around your meds but still i could never manage to keep a good baseline.

I almost want to say, add a booster so you crash by the time its sleep.

Adhd fucking sucks

Im similar.

Its so hard to tell, because when youre autistic or along the neurodiverse lines, you are more senstive and internally process things with a wider emotional range. That in itself makes you feel “special” because well - you are!

Im really starting to think there is a big interplay between neurodiversity / attachment style and personality disorders.

Like FA amplified is BPD, which sort of feels a lot like amplified version of ADHD. DA amplified is NPD, which can seem as rigid as Autism.

Im hoping to find someone good at diagnosing personality disorders / trauma but is also aware of neurodivergence.