Man I miss the golden age of Döner when you got a nice Döner for 3.50€ or 5€ for a big one with actual good mix of strips of meat and some minced meat nowadays you just get shitty 'meat'

Switched to Gyros now its the same price of 7€ as a Döner where I live but atleast the meat is fucking good

Check the PC's of your grandparents and remove Kaspersky It is proven russian spyware You can check any goverment source if you are still unsure

Gods vs Humans or Ants vs Humans

You can throw a normal guy into millions of ants if he or she has bugspray and a mask he or she will still 'win'

Discussing Numbers or powerlevel in TBATE will never give you any meaningful results

Even the white core guys are different even though they should have the exact same power since their power came from the rings and not from themselfs

The plot giveth the plot takth away

I guess you are correct Asuras by definition can be killed by non specific number of normal ass dudes

Gonna love to see the last chapter where Kezess gets ripped apart by the entire non magic population of Dicathen

Why bother discussing powerscaling if no situation is ever a fair 1v1 Dual Usually the characters are fighting to the death with aces never revealed to us or to the characters while using dirty tricks and tactics which is atleast more believeable

Waren nicht die eigenen Kinder bei McKinsey? Will mal lieber wissen wieviel bekommen haben 'aus komplett anderen Gründen'

Yep 700001 Normal guys can defeat a clan head easily

But seriously does power scaling actually matter?

The characters are as strong as the plot demands it and if not some random bullshit happens to stay on course

Always explored and searched for cool shit so imagine my surprise when I get the message that something shattered and read later that this shit breaks some questlines Fuck that shit Their side quest content most of the time only failed if you 'rushed' bosses now they break when you just run around

If the success of the show is not reason enough to continue it I don't even know what criteria they have to fulfill for a next season

Man? I thought she was a woman or did I missread the item descriction of the rewards

Erstmal die Flagge mit dem Bundesadler runternehmen Bezweifel stark das dies eine Einrichtung des Bundes ist

My guy her name is Frieren They are all german

Tech was the key to survive fp1 guess they wanted to do some balancing so bot everyone would tech rush

during the beta i already thought that simply skipping most techs to not deal with squalor or disease would be easier than having to research maintenance hubs and hospitals

more cookhouses 1 cookhouse only gives food for around 250 people

Hättest es vielleicht etwas netter formulieren können aber hast nicht ganz unrecht das es außerhalb zwar Leerstand gibt aber dann die Zusatzkosten für Auto und der Zeitaufwand zur Arbeit bringt dann auch nichts mehr wirklich dafür bei der Miete zu sparen In meinem speziellen Fall lohnt es sich eher direkt der Wohnungskauf und den Kredit abzuzahlen da das von den Kosten ähnlich ist wie die Miete für eine ähnliche Wohnung und das ist ja eher das Problem das Miete viel zu überpreist sind

9 out of 10 times it's a russian FSB bot, chinese bot or some edgy right wing teenager downvote and ignore usually helps more than posting it here

Gura is THE best rythm player of hololive and can train just like in Mario Kart to compete with the absolute best Thats why my money is on Gura it may not be a complete sweep but she most likely will win this

This is a meme subreddit about europe my guy Go to conspiracy or ufo for your theories You feel more and more like a bot using chatgpt or are just a useful idiot for russia how about revealing some spicy shit about the horrible the corruption in the russian/chinese state is for a change

Yo mods look at his comment history either he is copy pasting hourly some bs or is a bot


Big ass Family gathering with all Primarchs, their SO's and their kids Valdor and Malcador crying happily while the Emperor is surrounded by the kids and laughing and telling his wildest stories All primarchs and SO's forming groups and talking about different topics happily Custodes playing music

P.S. love the tragic Sanginius/Dove Story and will try to write a fanfic about them

Yeah having the self sacrificing angel not being able to deal with someone doing it to her out of pure love for her her sons and humanity as a whole with no ulterior motives could maybe throw her completely out of the loop and not being able to do anything about it but to just patiently wait or ask for help from unlikely sources like angron for mental health or Magnus / Saint Celestine for a way to get his mortal form back from the realm where his current form has to crawl over his own corpses which formed over millenia sacrificing himself
Just the mental image of the his will to do anything for her even after all that makes it for me just grimdark enough

Man this is way too much fun for me to have to organically incorporate the psyker powers and the character while having her SO as a completly new character to play with

Well if you are already tearing up at that imagine how heartbreaking to imagine Sanguinius in such anguish her perfect memory replaying the tragedy over and over again
With her psychic abilities granting her glimpses of the future but never seeing her SO in them only able to hold onto memories while facing the grimdark reality of her loss
It's likely she would yearn for the comfort of Angron's psyker power to share in her grief to alleviate the overwhelming weight on her emotions and mental well-being
Her sisters would be deeply concerned themselves becoming fiercely protective of their own SO fearing they might suffer similar or even worse fates
Their worry for their loved ones would drive them to extremes their instinct to shield them at all costs overriding all other considerations

Just have Horus's SO brutally killed by the Chaos Gods so that during the minute of lucidity in the fight with the Emperor she wants her soul to be deleted so that she maybe can be together with her SO in whatever realm destroyed souls end up in if at all
Sanguinius and the Emperor seeing Horus so complete hopeless and devastated after killing her SO by her own hands and asking for assisted suicide essentially from the Emporer maybe gives Sanguinius something to reflect upon how she would react would her SO ever die or scare her of what would happen if she ever lost it to the black rage or redthirst in the presence of her SO