This brings back so many memories. The early 2000s was such a magical time with so much anime hitting the US for the first time. There was also a fuckin’ WILD black market for fan subs. You’d think studios would have caught on that there was a market for the stories as written,  but, no. 

There are definitely times when he's intentionally being manipulative, it's just really hard to pin down exactly what a person like Alex truly believes and therefore how much they are being dishonest.

I think D&J undersell how much Alex borrows from Evangelical preachers/sermons and how many "Christianese" dog-whistles his show contains. This is not necessarily a criticism of D&J since that can be SO subtle and is difficult to pick up if you haven't lived in that bubble. I go back and forth on whether Alex is consciously planning out every aspect of that manipulation, or he's just spent so much time in those social circles that he thinks that's a leader's standard way of operating.

What the hell is up with Hollow? He has such a simplistic design, yet he is one of the most viscerally disgusting antagonists I've ever encountered in sci-fi. I'd almost take a xenomorph over that frowning eldritch jellybean.

What was your inspiration for this creature? Is Hollow part of the wildlife who is just trying to survive by preying on the crew, or is he intelligent enough to be considered a "person" that might have more malicious intent?

I remember exactly where I was in NYC when I decided I would never travel with my mom again. We went a few days after the bombings in Chelsea and she was too freaked out to use public transportation. I warned her that meant we would be walking everywhere, but she didn't truly grasp what that went and she lasted before half a day. She, of course, expected me to have every bus and subway route memorized and wouldn't take any initiative to figure them out.

Agree. I ghosted a mostly online friend once.  We started out talking about a mutual hobby but he began to display such a constant pattern of acting entitled to my time and arguing to the death about small things that I knew he wouldn’t accept ANY end to the friendship, no matter how it was presented. Ghosting became the safest and easiest for me. 

I had the antlers and the flapper dress. 😊

I saw you there! You looked great. 

Thanks for the tips, I live in Denver so dryness is a constant battle. I used a sponge to apply and powder to set but I did NOT like it so I will probably get a spray instead.

Thank you! I made the headpiece and I'm happy with it. :)

Before this I had shaved, washed, and used primer. I think might need to get a different primer that makes more of a smooth surface though.

My skin care routine includes daily washing, moisturizing, sunscreen, and often glycolic or azelaic acid. I usually don't wear much foundation, both because I don't like the feel and because I struggle to match my very pale but olive-toned shade. I notice the pore build-up a little bit, but not as much as with the white.

It’s good! It’s really powerful and fast. It came with a servo but I’ve had clutches too. 

This happened to my daughter. She was flagged for posting drawing tutorials that the algorithms mistook for porn. She kept pestering them and eventually got her account reinstated.

I shelled out for an 8700 last year. It's like sewing with a locomotive.