I would imagine that DEFRA, Forestry Commision etc would have a fair number of field roles although you might need specialised knowledge for some of them.

I have a sneaking suspicion that I know which department you are in then, although the wifi to the desktop should be way faster than 10mbps - it usually is for me in the office. Is it regularly that slow or just on occasions?

... do it regularly working from home, thats all the bandwidth my internet has.

See them first, shoot them first, shoot them silenced. With something chunky. 308 is good.

Everything else - gives them or their mates chance to shoot back.

300m on vanilla. Other servers - depends what the admins have set.

Good luck trying that in central London...

I had someone demand I move out of their shot and demands why I was there. 

My response of "i work here" shut them up.

The polling and counting staff are required to remain impartial - civil servants are therefore somewhat ideal for the job and there is in our dept a certain amount of encouraging people to get them to apply.

As an election observer, I can say that you want a counting agent role as the most interesting, you get to count the ballots, see the process, laugh at obscene spoiled papers and watch the drama of the results being read out. Far better than a polling clerk IMHO.

Edit: NOT a postal vote counting role though. Thats as dull as ditchwater.

Why do you need so much data to your desktop? Are you doing all the processing of the data there?

The estate agent is selling the house yes? They are not managing agents for the tenancy agreement in any way at all?

The landlord has a house that they want to sell. Enforcing that with a charge on the property is a slam dunk easy win I would think.

If you are close I think the buckshot is the largest damage in the game, something like 30 points times 8 pellets. Lethal stuff - a double barrel is enough to take down a charging bear if both barrels hit

Were you drinking? Because if that is what worries you then you are allowed to go out and drink and have a good time you know! Don't worry about that at all - the issue is whoever attacked you. Thats the problem. You having a good time on a night is NOT a problem so please dont feel guilty for that!

I'd expect my staff to tell me. It may be nothing you think, but PTSD is real and can pop up. Also you may need time off to deal with police, court, etc.

Certainly not a thing id look on negatively either. Even if you had done something daft you are still the victim of a crime and that's not your fault.

In short I cannot support you if you don't tell me...

OK. If you appeal the Penalty Fares then once an appeal is made, successful or not they are statue barred from a bylaws or criminal conviction. Thats the useful thing.

For a Penatly fare to be valid you have to follow certain rules, there has to be a notice at the station you boarded that MUST contain the exact wording, and you have to have been able to see it. I dont think they can issue 2 penalty fares either at the same time. I would go onto www.railforums.co.uk and ask in the disputes and prosecutions section for further advice. This is eminetly challengable and winnable.

You wont have a fine - only a Magistrates court can do that. What *exactly* have they given you? Is it a Penalty Fare or is this an out of court settlement offer? At £100 I suspect this is a Penalty Fare.

What stations where you travelling from and to?

Also do you have the tickets that were used for the journey still or did they withdraw them and issue you with another?

We were lucky and only had one request for it, but yes it's a very good point you would probably be prudent to get a few copies.

Police wont necessarily recognise you if you are not "known" to them, so they are going to come and bang on your door repeatedly.

You are looking at some fairly serious charges potentially - at the very very least I would imagine affray, the bloody nose is going to be ABH at a minimum.

Stamping on someones head - you obviously cut the skin as there was blood so theres wounding. You would have had a shod foot, and clearly there was intent and a prolonged assault. This is s18 GBH territory - wounding with intent to inflict GBH. Don't think it's that serious? Maximum penalty for s18 is life. Do I have your attention?

Find a criminal solicitor - now. Talk to them and get them to advise you. This is NOT something Reddit can advise you on - except to say get some anger management classes and find a solicitor now and do what they say. Like right now, today.

Enhanced will show spent and unspent convictions so I would expect the drink drive to show. Unless you are going to be transporting the children about though, is it really going to be an issue? I would be up front with them, tell them about it and go from there.

When I have to visit London I talk to people on the Tube and freak them out....

We are not building them, they were built several hundred years ago.....

If I want to go shopping my nearest small corner shop is in the next county. It's six miles to the nearest large supermarket with reasonable prices, and that is 20 minutes each way by car, 2 hours each way by bus.

If we were building towns, they would be better. But these are not towns - I live in a small group of houses in the middle of nowhere. IT's not even a hamlet.

Firstly, sorry for your loss. My mother died a year or so back rather unexpectedly as well and there is little that some random person on Reddit can do to help, beyond the usual words much as well all would like to :(

The only thing that MUST be done right now is to register the death. This should be done within five days, https://www.gov.uk/register-a-death/y/england_wales/elsewhere/no and ideally it should be a relative.

Everything else can wait - you need to process this, spend time with your family and come to terms with it. The police will almost certainly assign a liasion officer to help you - use them and their services. Take time off work if you can - any decent employer will let you have special leave for this. You will need it. Just remember - it is OK to not be OK for a while. You need time as do all the rest of your family.

City friends are amazed that I don't even twitch at the sound of a shotgun, but a car door a hundred yards away has be going "wassat?"

People walking about with firearms are doing so entirely legitimately. Either pest control, such as deer, squirrel, pigeons, geese, fox, rabbit, rat, or an organised deer, pheasant or grouse shoot. And despite what some people think as long as it's not loaded walking down the road to the next field with a slung rifle is perfectly fine and normal.

Also gunshots here are just background noise. I hear them multiple times a day in summer as the farmers keep the pests away from the crops.

OMG I've so totally forgot about Black Widders... I bet mine is somewhere in my parents loft still with sad perished rubbers. The trouble you could get into with one of them....