Why not turn on partial scanning and not connect Radarr and Plex at all?

I read all of this and I still have no clue who any of these people are or what any of this means, but I appreciate that you hate this bitch so much you remember all this. Like an elephant that will never forget the faces of the poachers that killed her mother.

720TB TrueNAS Scale VM / 72TB Proxmox

You should be creating hardlinks, as to preserve the original file naming. Consider using Radarr.

I am going to disagree. ORMs are not just "a thing people do". They are an incredibly powerful tool and are used for a very good reason. The amount of man hours saved using an ORM versus writing raw SQL queries is huge. Not only that, an ORM is (hopefully) sanitizing your queries in more ways than one, firstly by obfuscation and secondly internally. That isn't to say that you don't need additional sanitization from user input, but at least internally it is protecting you quite a bit and saving you a lot of time. And even more critically an ORM let's you leverage the same code extremely easily via inheritance and polymorphism on your classes/models without having to nit pick through things every time.

In addition to that, an ORM will let you successfully attach mostly any kind of database type without having to change your query code. If you are working on an application that has thousands of hardcoded SQL queries and is using SQLite, and then that application starts needing to be more scalable, you are looking at a massive undertaking to convert that SQLite into something compatible with whatever other database solution you choose. Which frankly is solving one problem by creating another problem, which is just pigeon holing yourself into another strict database type. With an ORM you can write you queries in the language you are already working in and then let it figure out how best to communicate with whatever database solution you choose. I can take the same application and connect it to a Postgres database and then swap to a MySQL database and change 0 code. Not possible without an ORM.

Finally, all I can say is show me a framework that doesn't use an ORM. If there are any, they are few. Regardless of language every popular framework in use has an ORM already built into it. If you are out there job hunting with 0 practical knowledge of frameworks I think you are going to have a hard time finding a job. Frameworks are bloated, and some are slim. Sure. Nerds could argue over the bloat and validity of various frameworks all day. In the real world most positions are going to have you working in a framework, that's reality. Business are not reinventing the wheel every time they make an applications, if they are smart.

If your engineering team is moving off using an ORM I would seriously question the path they are taking. In fact if I logged into stand up one morning and they told us we are going to start writing all database interactions with direct SQL execution I would immediately start job hunting. It has nothing to do with my ability to write SQL (which I can and do use every single day at work for various reasons and debugging and looking at data). It's absurd overhead that adds no value and is a decision that would make me feel like management has no idea what they are doing.

Literally no establishment will refuse your order off the kids menu and no one cares what you order

Absolutely stunning to me that the OP says

I don't mean names that simply just fell out of style


how bad one person was

And somehow the top upvoted comment is something that is the exact opposite of both of these things. Truly Reddit, you are fucking dumb as hell.

I would add it to Sonarr and let Sonarr figure it out

Lmao this person will not spend an ounce of thought let alone their brain going into over drive. As they do not give a fuck.

It has been going great actually. Enjoy your baby lights for children.

Naw. I’m going to continue. Your shit look looks corny as hell.

We are talking about it. Every single day. It’s like 40% of all things posted on the internet is talking about it.

Using an ORM is best practices in the real world. Not understanding how it works is a different topic entirely.

Every single day there is an internal struggle not to be a dick and post a long rant about how every single person with a glass case and a million colorful lights looks tacky as fuck and people who do it are the corniest

720TB TrueNAS Scale VM / 72TB Proxmox

Lmao Netflix wishes it was as good as my server

I think this is entirely plausible. It’s like when people question why The Joker doesn’t kill Batman if he is so unhinged and has had so many opportunities. Which Alan Moore wrote in The Killing Game, the reason being is that they both love it deep down. They can’t kill each other because then it ends, and it’s the only thing keeping them going.

Homelander is desperate for love. And in a twisted way I think he feels the same sort of validation from Butcher. The love and hate is really just a fixation, in a way. And being fixated on is an IV drop for narcissists.

720TB TrueNAS Scale VM / 72TB Proxmox

Bitrate is either CBR (constant bit rate) or VBR (variable bit rate) and often fluctuates depending on the encoding performed on the file. Some media metadata will give you an average rate. But it may bounce around depending on what part of the file you are playing. Not correcting you, just adding a little fun fact.

$10 says there is a video of him somewhere ranting about how much he loves project 2025

☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ

The shitty ones

Maybe he just is tired of being a judge. Bet that job sucks ass. Maybe he just wants to break into the tech market or something.

Me. I texted my boss as soon as I woke up and said I’m putting in PTO and she said ok have a great day!

Go ahead and cast your down votes but I laughed through the entire thing, and did think it was hilarious. Y'all are a bunch of fucking babies who can't separate a fictional TV show and reality. I don't like getting punched in the balls but I think it is funny when it happens to Johnny Knoxville, and that's not even fiction. Get over yourselves.