Greek (Local)

Probably because it was a saturday night. But random checkpoints where they ask for your licence etc are a thing. You shouldnt be driving drunk, 1-2 beers is considered the rule of thumb limit. For the actual limit google it.

Greek (Local)

Is that a serious question or you just trying to get a reaction? Every public service in Greece is heavily underfunded. I'd much rather see money go into fixing the collapsing public schools and universities, fixing the streets, fix the collapsing railways and buses, proper public healthcare instead of the joke we have now, and a million more things. Greece has very big very real problems and you're upset because we dont think flushing our toilet paper is a priority

Greek (Local)

I'd say that is the option that gives you the highest chances to have an unproblematic sleep at the beach. No guarantees obviously but if you.pick your beach and spot rigjt I see how you'd have a problem.

Greek (Local)
  1. Athens is generally safe. Avoid certain places at night as a solo female particularly around the omonia area. (Not incredibly dangerous still but you will feel unsafe)
  2. Pickpockets are same as everywhere in Europe IMO
  3. Its a good area if im right about where you mean. If its the one near the neos kosmos metro, its a good neighborhoud generally safe and quite local. If you were renting normally 2000 is very very high but im guessing since its a short term lease prices will be higher.
  4. Athens is huge theres definitely way more to see than the Acropolis and Plaka. Also you can reach the Athens coast very easily via public transport.
  5. Yes 95% of people will speak enough English to hold a basic conversation in a coffee shop and what not. A lot of people and especially younger people are much more fluent in English than that as well.
  6. Cant compare cuz I've never been to Istanbul but Athens is a bit more south (judging from longitude if Istanbul is anything like thessaloniki in terms of climate) so it might be slightly warmer. However Athens is fairly dry so that helps with the heat. But yes it gets very warm Athens is all cement it feels like an oven in August and everyone leaves the city.
  7. Eating out is fairly inexpensive compared to other European countries. Groceries are comparable to the rest of Europe.
  8. Depends, I'd suggest you go on ferry hopper and look the prices from Athens to random islands to decide for yourself.
Greek (Local)

If you dont have a tent the police shouldnt really bother you.

Greek (Local)

I think Greece has more urgent issues to fix before getting to that. Also honestly I dont get the whole fuss its not that difficult you just bin the toilet paper instead of flushing it so what?

Greek (Local)

Do you mean camping on the beach with a tent for a night or just sleeping on your towel sort of situation?

With a tent you can definitely do it but you need to find a good beach to do that because free camping is not legal in Greece so you risk getting fined.

Otherwise the only thing I'd be worried would be how secluded the place is, I've accidentally fallen asleep at the beach before in the town I live in after a night out for example but Its the place I live so known it'd be safe to do so.

Greek (Local)

Ios is exactly what you're looking for

Greek (Local)

For September I'd say Paros or Ios might work for you. For October I'd be gearing towards the bigger southern islands like Crete or Rhodes because around then a lot of places start closing for winter and its generally not as warm.

Greek (Local)

I swear I've seen the phrase "I keep reading about ferry horror stories" so many times in here that I though this post was copied and pasted from a previous one...

Took the kids the car and the house as well... how could you...

Greek (Local)

Anytime within the time slot.

Greek (Local)

Bruh what you on about? Go read my first comment I literally replied with the reasons why Athens is full of graffiti. And yes the question shows a lack of awareness of the reality of Athens and connotations of complaints about it. Go read OP's comment just below mine in this thread to see exactly what I mean. Most Greeks find that infuriating. Athens has A LOT of problems and sorry you were dissapointed and Athens doesnt look like a postcard but we got much bigger problems than graffiti!!! Do a bit of research before you visit somewhere.

Greek (Local)

You could open an online bank account in Revolut maybe? You can just transfer your money there and you can convert it to euros in their app. And you can order a physical card which comes pretty quickly but they also give you virtual cards that you can just use through the NFC on your phone.

I'd say maybe that could be a solution? Its all very easy and straightforward to set up and use

Greek (Local)

Yes its people's tags mostly which just tend to be in English and also a lot of political writings. Graffiti is illegal but such a law is very difficult to enforce. There is a debate about it currently where there's basically 3 sides: one side wants all the graffiti removed, the other wants only the tags and writings removed and the real actual art pieces left up, and the third side just thinks Athens should remain as it is. The middle view is favoured just now but the main problem is simply MONEY. There isnt enough money and political competence to tackle this problem. So hopefully you got your answer majority doesnt like it but Greece has experienced about 15 years of political instability and financial hardship so Athens streets reflect exactly that side of Greece. It might not be the postcard image of Athens you expect but it shows the real side of Athens at the moment.

Greek (Local)

I'll ignore your silly insult and just say the question actually shows quite the lack of awareness of the reality in Athens. I hope my reply anwers the question there isnt really much more to it. Also because I've travelled quite a bit also a lot of cities in Southern Europe like Barcelona or Naples and literally anywhere in the Balkans have also quite a bit of graffiti (maybe not as much as Athens but still)

Greek (Local)

What a question... people graffiti the walls (like everywhere else) but the Athens city council is too underfunded to clean up all the constantly reccuring graffiti. What sort of anwer were you looking for?

Greek (Local)

No Denmark is part of the Schengen area so there is unrestricted travel between Athens and Copenhagen. When your passport got stamped in Copenhagen thats when you entered the Schengen free travel zone and travelling between any countries within the zone usually has no border checks whatsoever.

Greek (Local)

Theoretical answer: you are correct the beaches are public you are not obliged to pay anyone to go sit at the beach.

Practical answer: especially in the very popular beaches (Paradise in Mykonos the perfect example) obviously people doing this sort of thing is bad for business so the owners of those beach bars have a lot of ways to not let you do what you have in mind.

34C is wayyy to hot to be the perfect temp. Unless you're going on vacation for a week consistent heat like that is unbearable and I speak from personal experience (avg. summer temps are 30-40C where Im from)

Its the dumbing effect of the internet, why spend even a fraction of brain power to figure out anything by yourself instead of just asking to be spoonfed every bit of information from places like reddit? Like cmon at least try to get the answer yourself before coming here to ask us

What a unique idea! Why didnt we think of that before thanks! It is that easy and simple just unite the two sides!

And while we're at it lets solve the palestine-israel problem and the China-Taiwan one as well its just that easy!

Greek (Local)

From a quick investigation the only place that comes up is a shop called patronispapers.

Dont know if they will actually have them but they were advertising them a month ago on their instagram as having new in shop.


They're at a pretty central location reasonably close to Plaka

Other option would be to message the person that makes them directly and ask for a list of places that sell their products

I think its up to preference also situational. Others prefer drones over mobile radar or Awacs all are valid ways to get info on the enemy army composition and positioning but having none is just setting yourself up to lose.

Heli gunships is the way to go here. They're amazing at defending small countries and extremely cheap (especially the lvl1 airbase is very sweet)