Dude, I mean I get what you are trying to say. But the article you posted said the device costs $15K to $30K to make 

And the most important part 

 Hyundai and Kia aren't alone in this high-tech fight. The same resellers offer console-like devices that can brute force key combinations for modern Infiniti, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru and Toyota vehicles, among other makes not sold in the U.S.

So while I get your disappointment, if someone is spending $30K to steal my car, they really want my car

Minority here: No handball for me. Too close to the body

Yep that’s the angle I will put the post as so people know it’s not “advertising” and related to the sub! 

Thanks for your response. Is there any particular advantage to having Ghanaian responders or is having Ghanaian responders in your survey help bridge any diversity gaps in the survey? 

These scams literally have been going on for decades in as much as old school cartoons even have the car warranty jokes

The trick we’ve known for years is that, if a media title starts with a question, majority of the time, the answer is No! And you move on 


Please caveat that you want Ghana based salaries so you don’t get outliers from different locations

Oh lol this time, not much. There is an app I installed in the community that ranks people by how many ! medaase they get.

 I am putting a space between the ! and medaase so it doesn’t actually rate your comment. Usually you put it together. I want people to start using it so if I find a post or comment useful, I use it 

Edit: it did award you anyway lol 


I may be uninformed. Could you explain to me how this is related to this sub?

That’s not the point tho. Yes it will be removed. The point to let the person understand why it was removed else then I’m on a goose chase with the OP and others

Please stop advertising in this group! It’s literally in the rules

Marysville is  growing and haven’t built infrastructure to accommodate that growth. So many new homes in the past 5 years but nothing in terms of new roads.

Marysville also has one of the poorest public transportation infrastructure with buses going from nowhere to nowhere really. 

If you combine that with Suburban car dependency, you get traffic all day long. There is no time that there isn’t traffic 


Feel free to create such a resource for people. We don’t do advertising here because then that’s all the sub will be. There is something everyone is trying to advertise! 

Some clinics advertise that you DON’T need meds. I like to think those clinics like repeat customers 

I don’t understand your hostility and immature responses. 

Are all papers being written only on transformers? What point are you trying to make here? That if I’m not reading about GPT why bother reading papers? 

Ha, there was a blog post somewhere that this was intentional. Academics tend to be snobby and to get in their egos, you put some complicated looking stuff in there to imply more sophistication even when the subject doesn’t need it

A lot of trump supporters think this is good now for their party. And it absolutely is. Problem is this rule will in effect wayyy after that old fucker is gone. But they don’t have the intelligence to realize this