Heavy Arc Rifle is the Anti tank weapon of choice now. Mid range ( 18" ) we get ~2 W on a Land raider per Kataphron if Skitarris are nearby.

With a Manipulus and the [SUSTAINED HITS] enhancement we get up to ~3.7 W on a Land raider. A 6 squad can one shot a Land Raider and has a threat range of 5" + 18" + 1d6 ( assault from doctrine )

Engage the search routines for "MECHANIC ADEPT BATTLE SERVITOR WITH HEAVY BOLTGUN". The Omnissiah will answer

Looks great ! Even the plasma IMO. Having a glow on the backpacks is a great idea by the way !

Lovely paint job, can I ask you what's your recipe for the base ? It's simple yet looks super good even on a big base.

As a lot of people suggested, take breaks from painting.

If you still feel like doing hobby stuff, do something related, build your next kit, prepare some base, kitbash a bit, sort your bits.

If you really want to keep painting but don't want to touch your current project, pick something else to paint. Ideally something really different, admech is full of mechanical parts and long robes so find something organic or magic to paint on the side. It will make you a better painter in the long term and when you get back to your cawl you'll actually be happy to paint yet another mechadentrite !

Rangers alphas are so similar to the standard one that I wouldn't worry about how they look. Vanguards do have a special head for it but if outfitted with a carabine they will fit in pretty well as regular vanguards.

Vanguards are usually played in small squads of so I'd say 4 alpha if you ever need to run those 4 squads.

For alpha loadout I usually don't give them anything in game but I still gave them some weapons on the miniature because it looks cooler. If you want to go full rule of cool you can even mix/match the heads/arms of other kits ( raiders and ironstrider have some extra bits, notably some cool heads )

Same story for special weapons, I rarely use them in game but I do put them on the miniature because I like painting them and it breaks the monotony. Also bonus point if you have 1 of each special weapon with both rangers and vanguards it's nice for playing Kill team too !

yeah 20 vanguard 40 rangers is reasonable both for competitive and look if you prefer hooded guys ( I do too ! )

not 100% sure of the content of all the patrol boxes but for in term of competitve strength if you're gonna have only one of each : ruststalkers > infiltrators sterylizors > skystalkers serberys raiders > sulphurhounds ( and the raiders have hoods ! ) ironstrider ballistari > dragoon ( by a large margin, 2-3 lascanon ironstrider can do wonders )

Never played the kastelans so I can't tell which options are better. As for the kataphrons I've been disappointed by both but I magnetized them so I can switch between the weapons at least.

I think first you need to figure out how you intend to play. If you are going for competitive then there is some obvious choices to be made on the multi kits. Otherwise go for what looks good to you. Most people won't mind if you tell them your Kataphron breachers are actually destroyers with a different loadout.

For the skitarii by default you're going to get 20/20 rangers/vanguards with the 3rd party bodies. That's probably enough vanguards so the rest can be rangers.

For your knight I guess magnets are your friend so you don't have to take a decision, works for the dunecrawler too

Love the smoke and the OSL on the leg guy. How did you do the smoke ?


Magnetized main gun so I can swap out in the future. Now I need to figure out the base.

I do standard mars but use green instead of blue for plasma/arc/radium glow and lenses. You can check a picture of my recent skitarris in my profile.


I'm slowly trying to be more aggressive with my highlights, I always feel like it's going to be too much when painting up close.

Haven't considered washes for the base, what color would work here ? Some nuln oil/agrax or a more redish one ?

Your units are already all in defensive stance by default when you get attacked. At least from my experience, maybe there is exceptions.

If I recall it's not just that dreads are slow compared to their usual stuff. It's more that as a chapter they don't like the idea of it.

TIL ! Thanks mate

Is there a patch note with numerical values somewhere ? Could not find anything after a quick googling.

They talk about baby kicks a bit in a book about sleep I recently read and a theory is that it's the baby dreaming but the brain is not developed enough to shutdown motor function at that stage which causes the baby to physically move during it's dreams.

This could ensure the baby gets 'exercise' in the womb.


C'est du ressort de l'éducation des parents qui eux ont eu des cours de cuisine à leur époque ?

Inquisitor models were 54 mm ( Almost twice as big as standard wh40k minis )

Des origines du mot péguCulture

Suite a l'utilisation par un pote d'une expression qui sent bon la campagne profonde je l'ai textuellement traité de pégu ( paysan ). Ce qui nous as amené a chercher d'où venais ce mot et a ma grande surprise il n'y quasiment aucune source.

https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/p%C3%A9gu Wikipédia n'a que deux citations récentes et une référence au mot latin. Larousse et l'académie française ne connaissent pas.

Du coup airfrance vous utilisez ce mot ? C'est régional ? Ca sort d'où ?
