Ever since I learned how to read I started writing. When I was a kid the only two things I was genuinely passionate about were reading and writing. I can’t remember a time I didn’t write until I stopped.

It’s been a decade since I wrote anything and in this past decade I’ve had to force myself to even read. I’ve tried writing prompts over the years, tried writing little paragraphs but I can’t get over this mental block I’ve had for so long. When I was younger my mind exploded with so many ideas and I rarely finished a story because I had so many ideas. Now I can’t even start one. My mind is blank every time and it feels like a chore.

I still enjoy and love reading don’t get me wrong, usually when I find myself immersed in a book I really enjoy I wonder why it took me so much effort to start it but it becomes a cycle and I really only read like a couple books a year these days.

All I want really is that feeling of passion I had as a kid/ teen. I’m not sure if I’m meant to be a writer or if I’ll ever be any good but the why I want to write is really just that. It’s the only thing in my life I’ve really felt so much pride and joy doing and all I want is that back. For those who spent many years not writing what were some things that helped you?