I recently hit 1800 on disc in 2s, an achievement I have never had before. I am talented into mindbender and running the four piece tier set bonus, which I don’t get why more people don’t do. Drop mindbender, power infuse your partner, then smite spam on the kill target, cast mindgames right beforehand so each smite is lowering its CD. If you don’t get your smites interrupted your mindbender is immediately off cd again.

I don’t play with any addons, ui changes, or even macros. Every OTHER disc priest seems to run ultimate penitence, which while yes, it looks cool, isnt really that threatening because I will survive it and its on a 4 minute cd. Once its over I have constant kill pressure. I often outdamage my partner (usually an outlaw rogue or survival hunterg) and the SECOND the KT is in execute range I double shadow word death them.

My only issue is mana, I will often run out before the enemy, but the constant smiting gives me mindbenders frequently to regen it, as well as renew proccing free flash heals. When all else fails, the 3% mana restore from the belf racial has saved my ASS a few times.

Any thoughts on this style of build? I feel like its just as viable