No offense to Oceania, I just donā€™t see it ever being plausible for them, but I think if (and thatā€™s frankly a big if) a new continent winning it ever happens, itā€™s a three way race between CONCACAF, AFC, or CAF.

CONCACAF seems very top heavy, yet still sort of far fetched at the moment if the best options are USA & Mexico. However Iā€™d give USA or Mexico the best odds at turning things around the quickest over the other continentsā€™ teams.

CAF & AFC both seem pretty level with one another, where in one cycle it might be a Ghana & a Tunisia making the knockout round, and another cycle it may be Japan & South Korea putting together solid campaigns. But I donā€™t know that thereā€™s enough power on one squad to make a generational push one year.

Anyhow, curious to think about.