I'm a 24F working in a government entity in my country. I'm on a "trainee" role which means I'm getting paid just enough to survive. The hope is that if they like me enough I'll be promoted after a year. I asked my manager when I started if I need to align my work hours with hers and she said that won't be necessary, just leave when it's time. Fast forward three months later she set up a meeting expressing how deeply disappointed she is that I didn't stay overtime for a meeting and any other meeting I've missed by leaving on time. She said that because I'm a gen-zer and I "take work advice from tiktok" which is why I don't understand the "importance of going above and beyond to do well at my job"and went on about how I need to prove myself to everyone and make myself known.

I genuinely have no idea how to feel about this and I'd like your feedback!