Hoping you lovely people may have some ideas for me, bc I am coming up dry.

I work in sales. My boss sends a report out weekly that’s an important part of our metrics, called the Penetration Report. It’s a list of the remaining accounts we need to contact that month, with the goal of reaching 95% “account penetration” by the end of the month.

I can barely refer to the report without cringing. The department is overwhelmingly male, and they’re trying to get it to be more balanced. I suggested that one way to make women feel more welcome would be to change the name of the report. Other people agree, which honestly, thank god. And since it was my idea, I get to help come up with the new name.

The new name needs to meet the following criteria: 1. Must be “exciting” 2. Must be simple 3. Must include the sense of gaining insight/data on an account - like, we’ve really “penetrated” an account if we were able to get meaningful info about their business/show we had a real conversation. So something as simple as “Account Contact Report” doesn’t cut it.

ChatGPT suggested “Account Insight Report” which is decent, but I’d like to have a couple of ideas to offer. Help!