While I already have a rather tooled up shop (14" bandsaw, 6" jointer, cabinet saw, 12" planer, router table etc) I'm looking to get a specialty tool that will help me crank out joinery like dovetails or M&T much faster than on those tools. So im looking most at the Shark RS1000 Pro Vs Pantorouter. Have you used one/both of these? any inputs? things I'm not thinking of?



The Shark is what im leaning to right now for the following reasons in no particular order

  • Space - I already have a router table (which i dont use often because its a pain to set anything up on) so getting the shark would be less space than a new bench tool
  • Faster operations for more than joinery - fluting, biscuits and other router operations seem like they would be sped up with the shark vs cranking out only joinery
  • cost - the RS1000 is a little cheaper, than the pantorouter kit I would get plus I could sell off my router lift/fence as well as some jigs to offset some of the cost
  • possibly less of a hassle to set up?
  • More "work area" the shark seems like it could say, dovetail a much wider board than the pantorouter without having to reset the board and line things up
  • this blew my mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3er2m_duGQc&ab_channel=MakeSomething

But, I cant discount the pantorouter

  • I also have a 3D printer, so I could make custom templates - that seems handy
  • seems like once you get the setup done - actually cutting a project the pantorouter would be much faster than the shark
  • The pantorouter seems like it would be safer than the router table - one of the reasons I dont like my router table - the piece would be clamped down and the router is in a cage that I control with a lever from a greater distance than a push pad on the router table.
  • I hate - absolutely HATE HATE HATE doing thinks like mortises on the router table where you lower the piece onto a spinning blade. Having the ability to "plunge" with the piece in place with shark seems better than a normal router, but the pantorouter seems like it would be even better than the shark
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9K5c6FUfg&themeRefresh=1