So I think I got hooked on completing these and want to make sure I don't bite off more than I can chew.

So far I've done a handful of the easier peaks (i.e. Moose, Pierce) in the winter with experienced hikers. Last week I did Lafayette and Lincoln which was my first big solo hike ever. I've also done a couple bigger hikes with buddies out west (15+ milers, significant elevation gain).

Physically, the ups usually don't give me too much difficulty and I think I can go faster than most. The downs I am definitely slower than most (the pros and cons of long legs)--- the main thing is just that the bottom of my feet get very sore around the 8-10 mile mark.

All that said- I'm expecting that many of my remaining hikes will be solo. I have no intention of currently trying anything alone in the winter, but given my experience level, should I be ok to do most/all of the peaks in the summer? Or is there a huge jump in difficulty compared to what I've already done? I have started looking into doing an overnight with a hut stay to break up some of the longer trips. Otherwise, I would probably try to keep to ~10 or less mile day hikes. Owls Head has piqued my curiosity though-- seems like it's mainly flat apart from a short bit at the end so I can get away with comfortable shoes... As long as there's not sustained downhills, Im thinking I'll be ok there..

Any advice or tips appreciated!