So my (21 NB) older cousin is getting married this summer and they recently had an engagement brunch for the families to meet. It was at a fancy county club and had a semi formal dress code.

So I'm 5'10, but all of the nice shoes I have are heels. I can't wear flats comfortably because I have a pretty high foot arch. I wore a really nice pair of black classy heals with a black romper suit thing (idk how to explain it) and I personally thought I looked really nice.

When I got to the brunch I realized that I was a lot taller than everyone else there. All of my cousins fiancee's family was super nice and were hyping me up and kept giving me compliments on my outfit and makeup. Overall it was a lovely time, however my aunt's husband would not stop glaring at my shoes.

For some context, this aunt I've had issues with in the past. She called me a slur at Easter infront of the whole family and has also kicked my dog in the past. Both her and her husband don't like me after I refused to go to her wedding and I helped her oldest kid to go no contact with her. Her husband is just a strange character. He's never liked me and is constantly making comments about my height as if it's something I can control.

Anyways, for the entire brunch he would not stop just glaring at my shoes. I did my best to ignore him but basically every other person was pointing it out and telling me about how weird they found it. It turned into a running joke for the rest of the party.

A couple weeks after, my family had a small get together that I couldn't attend because I had worked. My sister however still went, and when she was there she was confronted by my uncle who asked her if I would be wearing my "attention seeking shoes again at the wedding"

My sister just kinda brushed it off and we had a laugh about it later.

For those who are curious, the wedding is black tie, so I will be wearing sparkly heels to match my dress.