hi so my sweet dog is a 12 year old yorkie. she’s been a rockstar at staying healthy her whole life and it’s given me so much hope. her sister passed away a few years ago due to organ failure and sensitivity to food…but she’s never had problems. recently we’ve started to see a change in her behavior and i started to be scared. i made my mom make a vet appointment and when we got there she straight up: vomited 5 times. peed blood. and had bloody diarrhea. they did an x ray on her and i guess she has a mass near her liver??!! this is insane because i feel like 4 days ago she was just a happy little girl like she always is. i’m not ready to lose her and im horrified to see if it’s cancer. this dog is my best friend and she makes me feel so so happy. please please if anyone has ever had similar experiences or helped a pup with these symptoms… please help me out. i cannot lose my baby.