
I made a mistake. Swooned by all the pinterest boards of aesthetic oak panelling and intricate shelving and fold out beds I made the absolutely abysmal and regrettable decision to remove the interior trim.

Oh my.

Not a single right angle anywhere. The floors are sloped, the walls are sloped, there’s big jetting metal bits and tubes everywhere, and to top it all off I have ZERO woodworking experience.

What I expected to be a simple slide in platform and maybe a folding bed half, turned into a nightmare.

The plywood inside is currently revision 3, the rear of the van is an entire 4 stacked boards higher then the front. I don’t want to slap in a sheet of plywood and remove enough space to fit a tire.

I wish I knew how to mount things to the frame, I bought some butterfly screws and mounted wood however because nothing lines up whatsoever I don’t know what to do.

Things are currently held in place solely by friction and jamming them into the walls.

I don’t want to spend a fortune though, good enough is fine by me but the thought of working on it fills me with dread.

Any advice?

tldr screwed up by removing trim and revealing a lack of right angles or (my) ability to mount things.