
Our HOA cut down 30 trees over 6 business days. They have plans to cut down 72 trees. Most of the ones already cut down were 47 year old, were well established, drought resistant trees. The HOA has no plans to remove the stumps, no plans to replace the trees, and no plans to mitigate the slope erosion as a result.

There are laws on the books in California, San Diego County and City of San Diego. We were unable to stop them even with a casese and desist order. We spoke with our local City Mayor who asked the City Attorney to respond. We also spoke with our Congress woman. They couldn't do anything to stop the cutting of the trees.

We have started a recall of the 3 HOA board members. They didn't notify the homeowners that they were planning on cutting the trees. The agenda item said "tree trimming and maintenance".

We have met with an HOA attorney. It seems we have very little power to stop the carnage. They recommend suing the HOA board. Even if we are successful, it will take years for our landscaping to recover from the loss of the trees already cut down.

We have consulted an arborist. He said the trees they cut down did not need to be cut down.

What are our options? The laws seem to only apply to trees on public lands.