I've got a trip coming up soon where I'm have to take 3 flights, one of the people I do work for is getting a jet for one of the trips and if I add a 4th flight to my trip I can fly on it. I'm not rich so this is likely my only time I'll ever be on one. I've flown maybe 20 times ever and 4 of my flights were super sketchy. I didn't used to have an issue flying until the bad ones. The trip is a month away and I'm already getting anxiety just booking tickets. Would it be stupid to pass up on the flight just because I'm scared of flying?

p.s. if you've got any bad experiences flying on a jet or in general please don't tell me about them lol

Edit: I decided to go, I’m not going to be a bother to the other people as some suggested. It’s not like I have a mental breakdown, I just get anxious. I could drive the whole trip (which would suck) but I want to get over my fear of flying so I should take the opportunity. Plus I feel like I’d regret it if I didn’t go so why not. Thanks to anyone that offered advice