
r/toddlertips7.7K subscribers3 active
Announcement: Poll about the this subreddit’s future. Please see message inside for more details.

A moderator messaged me this morning, and it sounds like r/toddlers will be reopening soon. Full disclosure, I was invited to be a moderator on that subreddit. This wasn’t the admin, but rather, a moderator who does not have a toddler anymore and is looking to move on.

When the subreddit reopens, I wanted to know what you all thought the future of this subreddit should be. Please answer the poll question and feel free to discuss.

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Pinnedby DaweiArchModerator
Tips for dealing with a screaming toddler

My baby is 1 year old. Ever since he was a baby, he has been screaming quite often. I was told by our doctor that he just want to express his feelings (sad/excited/mad/happy) by screaming. At this age, he still doesn’t understand if we tell him to stop screaming. But sometimes we feel embarrassed as he would scream at other kids in the playground as a way to tell them that he wants to play with them.

Both me and my husband normally talks at a normal tone, sometimes we even prefer to whisper. So we have no idea why our baby can be so loud 😅

If you have any tips, please share with me. Thanks a lot!!

21 month old suddenly wanting swaddled

This is the second night this has happened but our son since pretty much day one has HATED anything to do with swaddling or blankets like if you covered up his freaking TOE he’s get straight up angry and kick it off. Just a few nights ago he woke up in a panick in the middle of the night saying “cuh” and we were at our wits end trying to figure out what he meant because he’d never said it before until he started grabbing at a blanket on our couch. I put it around his shoulders and he would grab it and hold it like he would a towel after a bath. He wanted me to wrap him in a blanket (a very thick Sherpa throw, it HAD to be THAT one too) and carry him. This is really weird for him. This is the second night this has happened and thankfully I was able to lay him down in his bed asleep. Has this happened to anyone? I will say he hasn’t eaten very much today which is also a bit out of character for him and he has 4 front teeth up top, half of 2 molars that just recently came through, and two bottom front teeth. Something tells me he’s not feeling well and is needing extra comfort which he usually comfort nurses for but he doesn’t even seem interested in that which is also weird because he’s definitely been a boob baby.

Summer Vacation with toddler - West

What are the places in the west to visit with a toddler? We want to plan a summer vacation for 3days within 2 hours of fly from SanDiego. I have a super active toddler and I've been to an all inclusive resort few months ago and got super tired. He is now better to manage, but I don't want to get tired again choosing the wrong place. What are some of the cities/places which have kid friendly destinations within short distances?

Bedtime struggles

My daughter is 3 and she was always a good sleeper until about 6 months ago. Since then she has been fighting bedtime. We got to a point where it was a 2 hour process to get her in her crib. We worked hard for a few weeks and she got much better with strict boundaries. We since then have transitioned to a toddler bed. The first week she did amazing and went right to sleep on her own. Then after about 2 weeks started refusing to go to sleep and just screams. We gave up on bedtime for a week and just let her fall asleep wherever we were and we would put her to bed after she was asleep. Now she won't fall asleep where we are. I am trying to figure out a way to get back to a solid bedtime routine where she goes to sleep in her room alone. Open to any suggestions. I am so exhausted from the nightly fight

hfmd - 22 month old

my 22 month old contracted hfmd from his daycare and his symptoms showed up monday. he’s on day 6 of it today. he got it on his hands, some on his arms, all over his legs and also on his tongue/throat. from what I’ve heard from other parents, my boy got the “mild” case of it. does anybody have any suggestions/recos on what to use for his bumps just to help it heal faster? also, he no longer has a fever. we’re really just waiting for his skin to start clearing up but my other question is, when are we able to go outside to places again without having to worry about contracting it to other people?

Baby sleep
Baby sleep

My baby has always had a later bedtime 9-9:30 Wakes up at 8.

Every morning I have to wake him up at 8am. Just afraid of him sleeping longer than his 10h 30 mins, his bedtime will be later. But it seems he wants to sleep longer in the mornings

Right now Sleep at 9:30pm Wake up at 8am Nap at 12:30-2 Bed at 9-9:30 He has larger wake windows after his nap. I’ve tried putting him down earlier but he’s never tired.

Needing help if it’s okay to let him sleep longer in the morning and than cut his nap shorter!! 17 months old


Capstone Project: Occupational Impact of Urinary Incontinence

Hi! My name is Hannah Case; I am a Doctor of Occupational Therapy student at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. I am researching the impact of urinary incontinence in children ages 7-13.

 I am looking for caregivers who would like to participate in a survey (about 20 minutes) and/or a virtual interview (about an hour) and children to participate in a virtual interview (about 30 minutes). All responses will be anonymous. Please see the flyer for more information. 

If you know anyone who meets the criteria, please feel free to share the flyer with them!  

Here is the link to sign up also at the bottom of the flyer:



Toddler won’t stay in bed

My 3.5 takes about an hour to finally fall asleep after we put him down. He is always in and out of his bed. Is this normal? Any suggestions?


Hi all 👋

How do you feel/ react when strangers try to pat/ touch your little ones? If you're not OK with it, do you express it?

I appreciate babies generally bring joy to people and, especially, to the elderly, they bring back memories from when their own children where little. But does that excuse strangers trying to touch your little ones?

My LO is now 16months old and is very good at letting people know that he doesn't want to touched 🤣 (I think he gets that from me 🤣). But when he was tiny and not fully vaccinated, on quite a few occasions, I stopped random people (usually around the shops) from touching him.

It just baffles me as it's something that I would never do 🙃

TIA xx

Toddler has a splinter

My 2 year old has a splinter in his foot and I’m scared to remove it because I don’t want to hurt him. It’s a decent size and completely under the skin. I tried to remove it while he was asleep but that didn’t work. Any tips or advice?

Hello, I need advice

(Not for me) I have a friend whose daughter is three years old and constantly expresses outbursts of aggression towards other kids. It gets as extreme as that one time she destroyed all her kindergarten triends’ Mothers day cards. She constantly picks on kids and hurts them, including my daughter and her younger sister. She hurt one girl so bad that she shoved her nails into the child’s arm and drew blood. I have been really avoiding visiting my friend, I haven’t visited for teo months until today because the bullying got very bad. I once talked to her about it and it’s safe to say that when she mentioned it to her husband, he really brushed it off and said my feelings were ridiculous and they’re just kids. The constant hair pulling, biting, pushing, scratching etc is getting me over the edge. My daughter is two years old, and although she has her outbursts she never took a toy from a child, never hit anyone first, it is always self defence. I feel like I made a mistake teaching her to not fight back, I know this is not survivor but I feel like if she fights back the kid would leave her alone and the parents would take the hint. Mind you that her parents just got her out of kindergarten for this because they don’t know how to deal with her. They’re constantly working and don’t really spend quality time with kids, but the other daughter is very sweet regardless. My husband and I try our best to be as present as possible while working, and having another baby on the way and our daughter never expressed abything similar.. I’m not judging but it is getting really frustrating going over there every time, having to explain to my daughter why this child behaves the way they do, having her confused. Two things that trouble me are:

Is this kid a freakin psychopath? And how do I teach my daughter to fight back? Or any advice in general would be good

Tip Toe Concerns

Hey yall my 3.5 year old girl has been concerning us with her tip toeing every chance she gets. The doctor said usually until about 4-5 y.o. is when they should stop but id rather not wait that long. She loves it and I can tell her calf’s are super tense all the time. Any suggestions? Should I get her started on physical therapy asap? Anyone else have this issue with their kids and was able to get them to walk normal? Thank you!!

HELP night wakenings and screaming
HELP night wakenings and screaming

my child just turned 3 last week and has been waking up in the middle of the night just screaming for mama

sometimes she will ask for a hug, a kiss, tell me she wants to play or says nothing at all when i go in. soemtimes she will say she is scared. most of the time she is full of tears, sometimes she is just fine.

it’s been two months now. and she will wake at random hours but pretty much daily. it could be at 11pm, 3am or 5am. when i ask her about it the next day, she just says i dont know, i wanted to, or again i was scared.

we also have a 7 month old, she’s been at daycare since she was 18 months, sleeps in her own room and has been since 3 months, always been an independent sleeper. i tell her at bedtime that mommy and daddy are outside, theres no need to call for me, and that i will get her in the morning. if she wakes to keep sleeping, and to hug her stuffies.

is this a 3 year sleep regression, is that a thing? stress?

sometimes if im with the baby and leave her crying she goes back and settles. but i usuallt go in cause the crying sounds so urgent, but its almost never urgent.

should i stop going in? i dont want her to feel like she’s being abandoned or anything but i also want some sleep😞😞😞 any advice? -tired mama

I hate it.

as I’m writing this, my 20 month old is hysterically screaming and throwing himself around. He lost his only dummy. He’s spent the past fourty minutes screaming without a break. I cant get through to him no matter how many distractions or cuddles I try.

He spends all day every day screaming and throwing himself on the ground injuring himself. I can’t make it stop. I’ve tried everything at this point. I’m desperate. I feel resentful. Please throw tips my way.

How to help toddler through feelings of anger

My daughter is 2.5 years old and is generally an extremely happy girl, but when she gets angry about anything she takes to destroying the closest object next to her. Yesterday she was having a tantrum on the floor because she didn’t want to use the potty so she rolled over and grabbed the two vases by the door and threw them down the hallway, busting them. Today she spent a long time building 3 towers with her blocks and was so proud of them, but then I asked her if she was ready for breakfast and she screamed “nooooo” then immediately ran over, knocked her blocks down, and proceeded to throw them one by one across the living room screaming no the whole time. I try talking to her and help her calm down, but it makes her even more mad. I’ve tried letting her have her meltdown alone and sit close by in case she needs my support, but if I don’t respond to her tantrum she will run to the fridge and push all of her magnets off of the fridge and on to the floor and tries to tear them apart while screaming. So I feel like I lose either way. I respond she gets mad about it, if I don’t respond she gets mad about it. I’m not worried about the stuff she’s tearing up, but I do worry about that being her first response when she’s angry. I’ve even tried to lead by example and when something doesn’t go my way I’ll say loudly, “oh no! I’m angry! I’m going to sit down and take deep breaths. Ok I feel better now.” I don’t know how to help her through her anger and sometimes rage because she won’t listen to me when I try to talk to her about it. I don’t know where to go from here.

Toddler hates washing her hair
Toddler hates washing her hair

She was born with a mane of hair and they just kept growing. She never enjoyed washing her hair, but it's never been so bad. I mean screaming to the top of her lungs bad.

It started in winter and because her hair didn't get as dirty, we decided to not wash the hair for a few weeks hoping she'll get over it. Nope. Meltdown City every time the hair has to be washed.

We tried eye/ear shields against water. Irriated even more. Screen time? Nope, just keeps crying. Toys? Nope. No negotiation room at all.

So we try to console her, but wash through the screaming and crying. Maybe we're doing something wrong? Any advice?

My toddler strangled another kid

My kid is 2.5 and for this week daycare said she put her hands on two kids neck on two separate days. I’m at a complete loss for words and have no idea how to get to the bottom of this.

The first time my kid said it was because the other kid entered her classroom when he should’ve gone in the other one. So I don’t know if she was trying to push him away towards the door but she ended up kinda grabbing him by the neck…

Today I was told that while on a stroll with daycare she out of the blue put her hands on another kid’s neck and pushed her back a little.

We had a talk with her after the first time it happened but clearly it didn’t get through to her. How do I make a 2.5 year old understand what she did was wrong. She’s normally such a sweet and caring kid, full of energy but never ever acted like this before…

Toddler is driving me crazy during meal time. She doesn’t eat the delicious food that I made with love. She prefers cheese and fruits.

I think I might as well just let my toddler eat whatever she desires. Any tips about how to raise a child with healthy eating habit will be strongly appreciated.

Five point harness highchair under $100
Five point harness highchair under $100Not age-related

Hi all! So, we are visiting my mother-in-law in a little, and my husband just let me know that he didn’t like the highchair that she had bought. Basically the style she has is one of the ones that you strapped to a chair, it only has a three-point lap harness. Last time we were there, though, he was six months old, and didn’t quite fit it right. Now, he is 11 months old and has grown significantly since then. Well part of me thinks that the highchair she has is fine, especially since we’re not going to be there for very long, I do know my little guy, and he is quite the wiggler and leaner. And her chairs don’t exactly work with this kind of high chair either.

I’ve been scouring Amazon to try to find one that fits our needs and will grow with him. But sometimes it’s hard to tell which reviews are legit. So I’d rather get recommendations from a community I trust.

Basically I’m looking for a traditional highchair, with a tray that has adjustable depth, that is easy to clean (any fabric should be safe to put in the washing machine, but the tray doesn’t need to be dishwasher safe). Bonus points if it has one handed tray removal, is light and/or easily stored. We will be visiting her twice in the next 2 months.

TIA and happy eating 😁

2yo moving up in class at daycare
2yo moving up in class at daycareMilestone

FTM here. Does anyone know how a transition from a 2s class to an “older 2s/3s class goes for toddlers?

My son loves his daycare but we’ve been having some issues with hitting and scratching. So much that he makes another kid bleed. He does it to us as well. Out of the blue. With no reasoning. We’ve had discussions and we ask his teachers to remove him from the area.

He’s always been in some sort of child care since 18mo. We had a bad run in with one daycare and moved to this one and we’ve felt so much better here. Took him a few weeks. And sometimes still has his days where he doesn’t want mom to leave him but also loves to go into the 3s/4s class in the am to play with their toys instead of his 2s classroom.

Today. They told me they would move him to the older 2s/3s room to see how he does there.

Could he be bored in his class that is causing him to be a bully? Overstimulated? Not stimulated enough? He knows his letters, can count to 40. Can identify objects that start with certain letters. Knows how to spell his name verbally. Colors. Shapes.

My 2 year old keeps waking up and I don’t know why

I (22F) have two young sons (both under the age of 2 but my eldest will be 2 in July) I have them both on a pretty decent sleep schedule but these last couple of nights my eldest will wake up out of nowhere and start crying. He doesn’t really scream much but does a little. It’s mostly a light cry. I don’t know why he’s started doing this and I don’t know what to do to help him. He only started doing this a couple of days ago, he used to sleep peacefully all night. The only advice I’ve gotten so far is to just leave him alone and he’ll go back to sleep but I have a couple problems with this. 1) the three of us all sleep in the same room (their dad works nights) so if I just let him cry he will wake up his little brother and he is NOT easy to get to go back to sleep. 2) I’ve worked very hard getting them both on such a good schedule, they nap at the same time during the day and go to bed within 30 minutes of each other. I’m scared if I just let him cry and he doesn’t go back to sleep and he wakes up his little brother it will throw them off their schedule. 3) I really don’t like the idea of just letting him cry himself back to sleep, I’ve never liked the thought of my boys crying and me not doing anything about it. I could really use advice on what could be causing this and potential solutions