My family and I went to a breakfast spot, we payed our bill with a credit card and tipped 20% cash. Just about when we are climbing inside our cars, we saw our waiter yelling out to us. My first initial thought was maybe somebody left a phone or something on the table, as I approach closer to her, she asks “Excuse me, were you not satisfied with the service given?” I was super confused and said, the service was great. And she said “ I’m only asking because you didn’t tip…” and that’s when the rest of my family came behind me and we all said, whoa wait, yes we did tip cash and we directly handed it to you. She looked confused, didn’t apologize or anything and went back inside the restaurant. It made us feel embarrassed, awkward and weirdly guilty in a way, even though we did tip. Never had this happen before to have a waiter come out to the parking lot asking for a tip.