I’m indifferent towards tipping. I do it out of social custom and because it’s expected out of me, but I don’t feel strongly towards it. If it were socially ok not to tip then I wouldn’t tip. However, one thing about the pro-tipping people is they like to say “waiters only make $2 an hour, they need those tips to live.”

However, what I never got was the fact that why would waiters purposefully work a job where they know they’ll make only $2 an hour as a guarentee and everything else is off the kindness of strangers? I’d never work a tip-based job simply because my wages would never be guarenteed.

They also say if you can’t afford to tip, then you can’t afford to eat out…but if I paid for the food then I can actually afford to eat out. Why fault someone for not wanting to pay more than what the menu said?

Also, they say stuff like they refill your drinks and bring the food from the kitchen to your table. However, I literally can’t do that for myself. If I could go to the kitchen to bring out the food myself and refill my own drinks I would, so that point is moot.

Again, I tip, so don’t crucify me, but the arguments for it are so asisinine.