Platform(s): Playstation 1 or 2

Genre: RPG?

Estimated year of release: 1995-2005

Graphics/art style: Cartoonish possibly japanese.

Notable characters:

Notable gameplay mechanics: Mechs, Sandcrawler, rpg city exploration.

Other details:

Hi everybody. I might be mixing two different games together in my head. But just today it popped into my head that i used to play a game when i was younger that had a very cartoony look to it. It involved joining a pirate crew, (I think) on a sand crawler type veichle, But it would also involve Mech sequences altough i cant remember what you did during those sequences and also running around and exploring a city and talking to npcs. I honestly have no idea if this is even real. My memory of it is so vague that this is the best i can describe it.