Do you know this game???

Platform(s): PC online, maybe friv

Genre: Adventure, Point and click. with Puzzles i think

Estimated year of release: I was playing it around 2005-2010. I dont know more but it didnt look "old"

Graphics/art style: I dont remember much except that I realy liked it.. Maybe it was Cel shading with a bit more shading on the background.. I guess the colour palette would be on the gloomy side, but not depressing. They didnt hold back on the ditails, it wasnt minimal

Notable characters: I think it was about some explorers searching for something (indiana jones style clothing i guess). I remember for sure a female character (brunette? pony tail?). and I think it was her and another male character who had split up to go searching in different places. And the story would switch between the 2 of them. Maybe there was an older guy (white hair?mustache?) who was sending/directing them.

Notable gameplay mechanics: 

  • One player.
  • Maaaaybe there was a menu where you could pick between the different locations.
  • I think as you where point&clicking you could make the story procced the wrong way for few steps, and also you had strikes, where the game would send you back if something didnt work or someone attacked you too many times.
  • There was talk/text from the characters talking to you or explaining things. I think you were sent by an older guy (I guess he would talk too at some point).
  • Maybe there was video too between the game stages showing the story in betweens
  • Point of view: I would say bird's eye view, from side above. You could see the characters completely

Other details: 

  1. I remember a night scene in Stonehedge (and maybe there was a secret passage opening somewhere there when you'd manage to mayyybe direct the moon light in some stones or something, maybe it was a puzzle thing where you had to first collect some rocks with symbols on them)
  2. There was another scene at a place with huts. It looked like a tribe. I think there was water and some boats too. The scenery looked like amazon maybe. I think the female character was trying to collect things (Point & Click style) to make weapons and other usefull stuff without been seen by a guy on patrol. Later She was inside one of the huts and she was looking in the items inside.
  3. I think at some point she collected things to make a potion to help the maybe bitten by snake male character.
  4. I think there was something with the word "wolf". Maybe it was in the name of the game or there were (were)wolfs or none of it . This could be all wrong..