I don’t remember much about the game, but every time I remember what I can of it, it angers me. This is what I know.

  • You had the choice of playing as a boy, girl, boy robot, or girl robot

-You either ran into parts where you learned about animals or you were asked questions about them (questions might have been about other things as well, but I specifically remember the animal questions)

  • There MAY have been fighting during the game, but idk. I want to say you had to fight off crabs, but not too sure

  • There was an additional mode where you could pick a character and set up dance moves and music and special effects, choreographing an entire dance basically

-I can’t remember the platform/ console, but I know the game was on a cartridge

That’s it. That’s all I remember. It kills me every time. I hope this all makes sense and someone can help me! Thank you!