This has been driving me mad. My best friend's older brother had a stack of Dragon Magazine from the late 1980's and early 90's. And I inherited them when their mom made them toss all of them.

Back then, Dragon Magazine would review RPG's and related adventure games, some of them were obscure and what we would call "indie" now. I owned an Amiga, and occasionally they would also review Amiga or Atari ST games too.

There's this one game that I cannot figure out the name of that I've been really trying to find. And I only have the memory of the review and the screenshot to go by. I went to look through the Dragon Magazine archives but couldn't find it.

Visuals: It was top-down in the way that Zelda or Chrono Trigger is, not isometric. The main character was rectangular. The graphics were fairly rough - maybe EGA or VGA quality. Not at the level of Chrono Trigger.

Environment: It was a fantasy setting, and it looked like the main character was wandering through a forest and crossed villages.

Gameplay: You played as a single character, rather than a party. And I think it was a kind of wander around hack at stuff game rather than a detailed stats-based RPG.

Date range: I'm pretty sure this was likely right around 1990, plus or minus.

System: It was either PC or Amiga/Atari, definitely not console

Any help would be greatly appreciated!