Can't decide on placement? Need an external opinion? You're in the right place.

r/tattooadvice216.5K subscribers58 active
Reminder- we don't accept "rate my tattoo" postsMod Announcement

Hi everyone! The mod team have seen an influx of posts where the OP asks for others to rate their tattoo, or asking what people think of the tattoo in general.

Just a gentle reminder- we are an advice subreddit. If you would like opinions/rates on your tattoo, please visit r/tattoo or r/tattoodesigns.

Pinnedby rtky1265ModeratorMod
Tattoo Artist Hasn't Rescheduled with me.General Advice

Hello, I am in need of advice. Long story short, I have been wanting to get a tattoo as a tribute to my mom who passed away from COVID in 2020..I paid my deposit (one hundred US DOLLARS) to make my appointment which was originally set for a few weeks ago (May 21st).

However the morning of that day, he texted me to tell me that some construction was going on in his shop and canceled the appointment....And he told me he'd get ahold of me reschedule my appointment for the next week (last week)....

Well he HASN'T rescheduled my appointment and I've tried reaching out to ask him when he thinks he could get me in. He hasn't replied to me in either instance. It makes me upset because I've paid the hundred dollar deposit and nothing has happened...and he hasn't even tried replying to reschedule...

I've been really frustrated because I've been wanting to get this tattoo as a tribute to remember my mother by and to help with the grieving process. He also told me he wouldn't put words in my tattoo and it is important to have the words as they are something I picked to help remember my mom by. I simplified the design somewhat,. keeping the words...and haven't heard back..

I guess my question is...should I find a different artist? I only have one tattoo and this artist worked on my first tattoo and I was hoping he'd help me with my second, especially since this is one would be a tribute to my late mother...

Should I find a different artist or keep waiting for a reply? What would you do in my situation? Any advice or suggestions would be very helpful..

looking to get a back tattoo for my firstGeneral Advice

(dude btw) i've never gotten a tattoo but im interested in getting an upper back one similar in size/location (obv different piece) to this:


I would love some advice on finding a good local artist, what to expect, if this is a reasonable first tattoo, how to not be cringe, etc...

i worry that i might be overthinking a tattooGeneral Advice

i'm 19 and i've wanted tattoos for as long as i can remember, i definitely won't be getting some of the ideas i thought of when i was little lol, but i'm kind of driving myself mad with planning it out. my best friend got her first tattoo late last year and she tells me that it's good to overthink it but i don't think she realizes how much i am overthinking it. i do have a lot of ideas but then i get caught up in the idea that it HAS to be extremely meaningful, which i know literally is not true i can get whatever i want tattooed but it still freaks me out because i feel like i have a lot of "okay" ideas and no perfect ideas i'm also super anxious to get in contact with an artist ? i'm autistic and talking to/texting people is super hard and scary. i feel stuck, i would love to get tattoos but i feel mortified about possibly bothering an artist as well when i have never worked with one before

Looking for a great freckle artist anywhere in the U.SGeneral Advice

I've always had a cluster of brown freckles on my nose but no where else on my face. It's okay, but looks a bit odd sometimes to people. I was definitely called a brown noser a lot because of it and didn't help I was a goody two shoes! I really would love to find a way to naturally grow them out on my cheeks a bit so it doesn't look so stark? Since it'll be on my face I'm very scared of it turning out badly. Any advice? Thank you so much!

New tattoo/athleticsGeneral Advice

I am getting a new tattoo on my leg on Saturday but i have a coed softball game the next day. Any advice for safely “covering” it for a few hours while outside. TIA.
