I am almost 45, and I've lived a very eventful life.

I first encountered Taoism in my early 20s, when someone gave a copy of The Tao Te Ching. Reading it at that time was deeply impactful, and changed much of my perspective about life.

I reread it several times in my twenties, but then did not look at it again till perhaps my thirties. My 30s were a very trying and overwhelming time in my life, and while I recall rereading the text then, I do not remember it being significantly influential or moving.

This morning however, I was looking for something to listen to while restarting a practice of morning meditation. I ended up listening to the first 22 sections.

From the very first section, I experienced a resonance and familiarity with the spirit of the words that I did not anticipate. Several of the sections I listened to were deeply meaningful to me, and my understandings of things I have learned through my life experiences. It was like I was hearing someone elegantly give voice to some of the deeper understandings and thoughts I have had after hard lessons in life.

I am moved and profoundly grateful to be able to experience this deeper layer of The Tao Te Ching. I am looking forward to further listening, and intentionally reading through it, as well as future contemplation and meditation. I have caught a glimpse of a deeper wisdom than I previously grasped, and feel an affirmation in my soul regarding the progress I've made on my path of healing, growth, and understanding.