
Hey comrades! Most of my life I've been out of shape. I've always wanted to lose weight, build muscle, and realize the coveted six pack.

The closest I got was in 2019 when I cut out all sugar, junk food, and carbs from my diet, became flexitarian, and lost about 30 lbs.

I also lived in a third floor walk up and was walking at least an hour a day compared to the half hour I probably do now daily. I live in a building with an elevator and don't get nearly as much exercise.

I'm 5'8 now and am 200 lbs. This weight has definitely affected my struggle with depression. My typical weight for the past few year has been around 175 - 180. But I've become an UberEats/GrubHub addict and order out at least 3 times a week.

My ideal weight is between 150 - 160. I'd like to completely lose my gut, lean out, and tone up enough to feel confident taking my shirt off. I'm at a point now where it's becoming difficult to fit into clothes and I hate seeing my stomach in store windows.

It also doesn't help that my boyfriend is an athlete and is in fantastic shape. He's more than encouraging about my goals and never makes me feel bad about how I look. But it's hard not to compare.

I have a small gym in my building that I don't use but am also considering joining a gym to take weight training and yoga classes. My boyfriend thinks I should start working out at home before shelling money out on a gym membership. I'm inclined to agree but I'm also ready for a drastic change.

I've included a picture below of what my body looks like now along with pictures of what I'd like my ideal body to look like.

I'd appreciate any tips, advice, or suggestions from others who have been on, or are currently on a similar weight loss journey!

I'm tired of using clothes to cover up my body and never feeling confident in my own skin.