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But, first, use the search function. There is a 99.9% chance that your question has been asked and answered multiple times.

Or you can use /r/BeginnerSurfers all week long.

Beginner questions will be removed with no notice. Because it's just too much damn effort to deal with every single post, individually.

Pissy mod messages will earn you a ban.

Surfers are the worst and we mods are no exception.

Pinnedby dumbassthenesKauai
Moving Away From HCOL Surf

I currently live in a very high cost of living area about 30 minutes from ok surf. I have some family inland (6 hours from the nearest not great surf) that I'd like to live near. I recently realized that if I sell and leave my current location for inland near family, I’d have enough money to retire. Not lavishly, but comfortably. 

Surfing is a significant part of my life. I surf a couple days every week, and most of my non-work social interactions are related to surfing. 

I should add that I neither like my job, nor my profession, so I am very ready to be done with that part of my life.

Have any of you done this? I know I have seen some posts about folks moving inland for the quality of life. How has that gone? Would you retire early—say 15 years early—if it meant you were six hours from the beach? I could do some surf travel, probably a month a year, plus some long weekend trips but nothing crazy, and not for months at a time. Would you keep working into your 70’s so that you could stay in a high cost of living area with OK surf nearby, or move inland and retire early but give up regular surf?

Reef Safe Sunscreen that Doesn't Sting in Eyes?

I'm headed to Hawaii in a week and want to find a sunscreen for my face that works, is reef safe and doesn't sting my eyes. I'd also like to find one for the rest of my body that doesn't make me slip on my board.


Surfing in Costa Rica in July

hi! i’m planning a 2ish week long trip to Costa Rica for the end of June/beginning of July. We’ll have 13 nights (not including the first and last night in San Jose because of flights) and already know we want to see Monteverde and La Fortuna. Also, we'll be renting a car.

We’re from San Diego and my boyfriend is an intermediate surfer and I'm a beginner so we definitely want to hit some waves. Don’t really care too much about partying but I think it would be nice to see a cute beach town.

Here’s what we’re thinking so far:

3 nights (?) in La Fortuna 2 nights (?) in Monteverde

3/4 nights in two beach locations. Trying to decide if we do Manuel Antonio, Uvita, Santa Teresa, Nosara, or Playa Viejo.

Anyone have any recommendations for which beach is best for that time to surf at for intermediate/beginner? Thanks in advance!!

Looking for surf inspired art/prints/pictures

I live in a costal beach town in NJ. We live on the lagoon and our decor is mostly mid century modern with tropical/beach accents.

I’m looking for surf inspired art/prints/etc, not by any means tacky anchors/starfish/etc

Husband used to live on Oahu and we both lived in CA so anything related to those is a bonus!

Headache when I sit up after paddling out

So pretty much that. Usually it starts after about 30-60min in the water. When I sit up after paddling out I get a piercing headache and it goes away after a minute or less.

I'm still learning, I can go for 1h+ after several days of rest without any pain. But if I do sessions back to back on a 3rd day it gets so bad I can't surf for more than an hour and feel really bad. Any ideas?

I saw this could be temperature related but I surf in warm waters. I try to drink 500ml of water or less before. I suspect it could be surfers neck/tension related. Thinking to trying some stretches before... Advice would be appreciated!

Thoughts on Lib Tech x Lost surfboards?

I have a 5’9 Lost Puddle Jumper HP that I love and want to size up a little. I found a 5’10 Lib Tech Lost Puddle Jumper HP on marketplace and was wondering if there was much difference between the original lost board and the lib tech collab.

I ride my 5’9 with a quad fin setup and would do the same with the 5’10.

Sea urchin question

Do detached sea urchin spikes still carry venom?

I stepped on a black thorn on the the beach which was about 1-2 inches long. I pulled it out and had no pain. A couple hours later I felt like I had a splinter but I could not get deep enough to remove it. It has been a couple of days and now I have no pain. Everything I read online has made me nervous

Terrible Situation - Surfing Accident - Am I Guilty?

I was in a surfing accident today. I was on the outside of the pack and a set wave came through. I paddled, caught the wave, and just got up and got some speed taking the left. Right in front of me are two surfers hanging on the inside. They were situated so I couldnt go straight and couldn't just ride high to avoid them. So my best bet was to try to ditch, diving off my board in between them. Despite this maneuver, my board wound up hitting the second female surfer in the head, causing bleeding and significant injury. I followed her in to the shore (she was sort of in shock), had someone watch after her while i ran to the lifeguard station to get paramedics. It was most likely more than just a laceration, likely a concussion. I feel like shit. I'm still not sure what I could have done differently, as they were not right in front of me on the takeoff, where I could have just let the set wave go unridden. I committed and was on it for like a second and then it was like one stopped, the other kept going, and there was no way around it. The only thing I can think of is that I perhaps could have bailed in a way where I grabbed my board at the same time. Any thoughts on this?

Is it okay to store my boards in a wood garden shed?

I’m worried about the heat inside the shed in summer. Can it cause any damage to the boards?

Any intermediate surf in San Juan, PR in early July?

Considering a long weekend and would love to be able to hit the waves once. All the deals I see right now are to fly into San Juan. I feel like heading outside of there with a baby after a flight will be complicated and take precious time that we have.

Kid-friendly surf camp in Europe ?

Hey all. I am looking to book a holiday at a surf camp in Europe this summer, with a 7 and 5 year old. It'll be August so waves will be minimal but that's fine. I'll surf a bit if it's worth it but main thing is trying to get them into it so wave quality less important than it being kid-friendly. Been looking mostly at Portugal, but I love northern Spain too. Open to wherever (outside of the UK!).

Have found a couple of places online, but wanted to know if anyone here had had experience of finding something that works well for brand new little groms who just need to get a feel for the sea...

Thanks in advance.
