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Weekly Espresso Lounge: Information for New Members, Introductions and FeedbackDiscussion

Welcome to the Weekly Espresso Lounge! If you're new around here, feel free to introduce yourself and check out the must-read information below. We also invite the community to use this post to share feedback and suggestions.

Before creating a purchase advice post, please remember that these posts should include any relevant budget and your region. This information will heavily influence the suggestions you receive. Providing further additional context such as past experiences and preferences also helps. Prior to posting, you should read our wiki and search existing topics for any relevant and useful information.

Must-Read Information

Introduction Ideas

  1. Do you own a superautomatic machine? How long have you owned it?
  2. What's your drink of choice?
  3. Are you working on any exciting modifications or upgrades to your setup? Show and tell!

Feedback Ideas

  1. Is there any content that you would like to see added to our wiki?
  2. Would you like clarification on any of our rules or flairs?
  3. Do you have any other suggestions which would improve the experience for our community members?
Pinnedby JoeKleineGaggia Syncrony Logic RS
Miele CM 6350 stuckTroubleshooting & Maintenance

Upon powering on, the “Close ground coffee chute” message appears on the screen and won’t clear, rendering the machine inoperable.

Anyone have a fix?

I’ve put into service mode and reset, powered on and off, unplugged overnight, etc., with no luck.

Gaggia Anima Prestige Drip Tray Popping Out During Brew Cycle - Any Solutions?Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Hey fellow coffee enthusiasts,

I've been enjoying my Gaggia Anima Prestige for a while now, but recently I've run into a frustrating issue. During the brew cycle, the drip tray keeps popping out and shutting down the process until it's pushed back in.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, how did you resolve it? I'm open to any tips or suggestions to keep the drip tray securely in place while brewing.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Question on Jura pre groundDiscussion

So we just got a Jura Z10, but I have a ton of coffee that is either noticeably oily or flavored (more than 5 pounds worth).

I don’t necessarily want to throw away all this coffee but also don’t want to ruin my Jura either. Am I ok if I grind it in my coffee grinder and then add as pre ground? Or better off just using it in my old drip coffee maker until gone?


DeLonghi Eletta Explore keeps showing can’t make coffee error?Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Hey all, just got a new Eletta explore, spent the first hour messing around with the settings until my espresso was how I like it. However, it keeps failing to make different types of coffee and suggesting I play with the grind settings.

Will different coffees require different grind settings for the same beans?

Eureka; dialing in the DinamicaTroubleshooting & Maintenance

Here are some of my experiences with the Delonghi Dinamica with the chance that it might help someone out there with a similar machine.

It is finally starting to make sense now. I think that when I first got the machine it was exciting to be able to program the volume to exactly fit the glass that you use. This is more of a pipe dream when it comes to dialing in the perfect coffee....

Tested the "Coffee" option today with some junk beans, stopped after the grind and it came out to 11g coffee with the max 5 aroma setting. Coupling this with Lance Hedrick's 1:17 coffee to water ratio for the pourover, that should come out as a 187ml drink while mine comes to 180ml, close enough. So basically the water ratio is pre-programmed already and you probably shouldn't faff around with that until you have mastered every other option.

So assuming that you have this perfect 1:17 ratio already programmed into the machine by default with 11g coffee at the 5 bean setting (have only set the "aroma" bean amount), then your only variables to play with at the beginning should be the grind setting, machine temperature, and the beans that you buy (Lance would also say the water that you use). Grind setting 3-3.5 seems to be right (can check your pucks as well as the taste), temperature perhaps at high for light roasts, haven't tried proper dark yet but will do for ice coffee and will try dropping the temperature down to Low (will use Doppio drink into a certain amount of ice). But they can't be oily beans or will jam up the grinder.

Oddly enough, I have been enjoying my unique drink of 50ml Hot Water and then an Espresso on top, a "Medium Black" perhaps we could call it. Other than that the Cappuccino for coffee beans that I don't like much, Coffee for beans that I do like, Doppio for ice coffee in the summer, housemate drinks Macchiatos and Lattes. That means we are using almost every drink - not using Hot Milk, Long, nor Flat White, but I can see myself trying those again if I am experimenting with the Hot Milk (like my Medium Black, or to put coffee first and milk second), Long potentially will try with a nice light roast to max out extraction (double grind), and Flat White if I actually do like the coffee and want to try with milk. It seems that Long is the only drink that grinds a second time after about 100ml coffee has poured.

Lastly, I tried the pre-ground bean chute, because I accidentally bought pre-ground, and it was very watery, under extracted. This is disappointing so I'm not sure what else I can control here. I will use the pre-ground coffee to make proper cold-brew in the French Press instead.

Hope this helps. Please share your tips and favorite drinks if you have any! (especially around ice coffee and ice latte if you have figured this out)

by SweetiepeetDeLonghi Dinamica
Anxiously Awaiting Delivery Discussion

Hi everyone! I've been lurking this subreddit for some time, and have finally made my first super automatic purchase. I ordered the DeLonghi Eletta Explore. It was supposed to have arrived on Friday, but it's delayed until Monday and I can't stop reloading the UPS shipping status. I really thought I was going to be playing with my new machine this weekend, so I'm slightly disappointed.

Is it true that I need to brew and discard a bunch of espressos before drinking any? I've seen that on a couple of discussions, but not sure if it's only for specific machines. Any other advice to get me started with the Eletta Explore?

Any idea what the rubber cap is in the Connector System with professional fine foam frother (E8)?Discussion

Hi Guys, any idea what is this for?? I checked the manual but I didn't find anything?


Which is the best SuperAutomatic coffee machine for cappucino?Purchase Advice

I really like good coffee. Right now I have De’Longhi Dinamica Plus ECAM 380.95.TB which is hit and miss, sometimes makes aromatic coffee, sometimes it's acid, with the same beans. I can still return it so wondering what should I get. I know there is a even more expensive Dinamica Plus.. idk. Suggestions ? 🤔

Region: Europe Budget: 1000$ or more

Jura ENA3 - “open tap” errorTroubleshooting & Maintenance

This error message keeps popping up as soon as I turn the machine on. Have replaced filter, ensured no blockages in the tank etc… and there is no mention of this anywhere in manual. Anyone ever run into this before?

Gaggia Cadorna Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Has anyone figured out how to keep the milk fresh in the Gaggia Cadorna Prestige frothing container in the fridge? I feel like it goes sour after a few days when it's pretty well sealed up.

Superautomatic Coffee Machine RecPurchase Advice

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for a coffee machine for an apartment building for my tenants. We have around 200 tenants.

My budget is around $8,000. I am located in California.

At previous properties, I’ve seen coffee machines where you can add bags of creamer, vanilla powder, cocoa powder, etc. to make all different types of drinks.

Can anyone recommend me a few of those options? Most of what I’m seeing are only espresso or need external attachments for milk which I’m trying to avoid.

Thank you for your suggestions!

Jura Ena 8 - Doppio doesn't make right size espresso Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Hi all, Wonder if anyone else has experienced this or has any ideas. My Ena 8 makes 1.5oz shots on the standard 'espresso' setting but when I set up the same settings for the Doppio it only pushes out about half, if not less, water through the puck... Making 2 very small shots. Can't understand what's going on, nor find any info about it when searching. Any thoughts would be great.

DeLonghi Magnifica Evo driving me crazyTroubleshooting & Maintenance

I’m reaching out for some advice after a frustrating couple of days with my new DeLonghi Magnifica Evo. I bought it based on the positive reviews I read in this sub, and while it looks fantastic, I’m struggling to make a decent latte or cappuccino.

I’m a total coffee newbie by the way and this is my first super automatic machine, I’ve noticed that my drinks are consistently coming out watery and overly milky. The color is too pale, almost as if I’m drinking straight milk instead of a coffee blend. I’ve experimented with both the strong and medium coffee settings, but the results have been disappointing and unchanged.

Please help

Question about Delonghi Doppio+Purchase Advice


I’m thinking about buying a Magnifica Evo with Doppio+ function. But I have a question I need answered first. My understanding is that Doppio+ is a double shot in which it grinds more beans for a stronger taste.

Does anyone know if it grinds the beans in one long consecutive stage and then the brewing begins? Or is it split into two separate stages, meaning it grinds, brews, then grinds and brews again?

De'longhi Magnifica EVO ECAM29084SB parts diagram / technical drawing?Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Hi everyone,

I am currently repairing a DeLonghi Magnifica, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a complete parts diagram for this model. I know that such documentation exists because some eBay listings for parts include screenshots from it. I need to know the exact part numbers for the parts that need to be replaced.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Phillips 5400 or Delonghi Dinamica (or Plus)Purchase Advice

Good day,

As the title says, I am in search of my first Super Automatic espresso machine. I am a lover for Latte and often take coffee from my Vertuo Nespresso (which I press 2 time and half) to fill my mug for work.

I have been seeing a lot of reviews on both machine, which a lot says that the Dinamica makes a better milk froth for the Latte than Phillips, but also some review that they don't see the difference in the milk frothing between both SA.

Which one would you consider more for my taste as I would like something great for latte and normal coffee ?

Is LatteGo the easiest to maintain? Purchase Advice

We've been looking for a machine mostly for lattes and such.

I think the most important part is how effort less it is to use the machine. Otherwise it will just sit on the counter collecting dust (or mold)

I've found that the philips 3300, with the LatteGo seems like its the easiest. Even the price at 550€ is very competetive.

I also checked the DeLonghi Eletta Explore, which has all these neat feature like more cold drinks, adjusting the milk foaminess (which we appreciate) and automatic milk container cleaning. But after looking at the cleaning videos, it seems that even the automatic cleaning takes more time and effort than simply just rinsing the LatteGo? On top of that you have to wash all the 4 parts, twice, after using up all the milk.

Are there any easier/better options or is the Explore cleaning process not so tedious in actuality?

Edit: Region is in Europe and budget is about 1200€ max.

Delonghi Magnifica Evo make strong coffee?Purchase Advice


I’ve had my Siemens EQ6 s100 Plus for 3 years now, and ever since day one I’ve found that the coffee comes out pretty watered out. I’ve purchased the darkest roast beans I can find and played with various grind settings and nothing is making a substantial difference. The only way to get acceptable coffee strength to my liking is when I do a double shot+. Basically it grinds and pours coffee in two steps but for one cup.

I’m getting tired of this and now I’m looking for something else. Realistically I would want to get away with something cheap, because I only drink normal black coffee, so I don’t care about milk froth, espresso etc etc. I’ve seen that the Delonghi Magnifica Evo is pretty popular here. Can anyone confirm if it can produce very strong black coffee?

I’ll also take other recommendations for bean to cup machines in the same price range as the Evo.

Delonghi Dinamica Plus always ask to empty grounds containerTroubleshooting & Maintenance

Hello! I'm wondering if anyone has had this experience in the past. The machine asks me to empty grounds container but it only has 3 or 4 pucks in it. I'm wondering if something's triggering the sensor early, and whether there's any way to fix it. Google hasn't yielded any information.

Grinder of Melitta espresso machines. Please tell me I'm wrongTroubleshooting & Maintenance

When disassembling my Melitta Avanza for a deep clean (and reparation), I came across something which seemed very strange to me. I wanted to check if someone here could tell me a bit more about this.

I found that the grinder tunnel, which should distribute ground coffee from the grinder itself to the brew group, was very 'horizontal'. I don't understand how ground coffee can travel from the grinder to the brew group, as this tunnel appears to be horizontal instead of being angled.

At first, when I took out the brew group, I could put my finger up into said tunnel. I felt lots of coffee just laying there, probably very old/stale coffee grounds. Which makes sense if you think about it: there is no slope, causing the coffee to just stay in there after being ground. When new coffee is then ground, this new batch kinda 'pushes' the old/stale grounds into the brew group.

Another moment I thought about this, was when trying to make a first cup of coffee after the completed deep clean (including that tunnel). The hopper was filled, beans were ground, but still no puck being made. I figured the 'tunnel' was still being filled up at this moment. After 3 tries, some coffee was being made / pucks were formed.

Am I seeing this wrong? Is there some mechanism to counteract this? Or how does this work in general? Is my machine just faulty in some way? Everything seemed to fit together though.

I would still really like to get the Avanza repaired or maybe get another Melitta in the meanwhile, as they are the only brand making such narrow machines. Only the 20cm wide ones will fit a fitting spot on my countertop.