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r/substackpostmedium144 subscribers2 active
This is for Medium, Post News (articles) and Substack Newsletter issues.Administrative Note

Hello everyone this is an all inclusive group for Creators to share their writing, videos, podcast and work across the internet on a defined niche topics, news article, Op-Ed or anything in-between. If you are frustrated that on Reddit "self-promotion" is banned, you've come to the right place. I invite all kinds of writers to share their work here freely. I will be trying to build features that enables readers to sort through the content as well.

Share your work from:

  • Substack
  • Medium
  • Post News (the app)
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  • LinkedIn posts or Newsletters
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I'm excited to see what you have written today. (December, 24th, 2022). If you a writer of creator and are thinking of joining Substack,here is my referral link:

Pinnedby BackgroundResultModeratorFounder
Stop Using Pros and Cons : 3 Superior Decision-Making Techniques

Understanding your choices and making good decisions is crucial for achieving your goals.

We've all been taught to make decisions by listing out the pros and cons. But this method has some major flaws that can lead you to make poor choices, especially for important life decisions.

In this article, I will explain why, and share three better techniques you should use instead.

LinkedIn Newsletter about GenAI, LLMs and all things tech

Hello folks, one of my bosses just started this newsletter on linkedin and it’s going amazingly well. If you like to stay updated on GenAI, please subscribe.

Scientists Say This Method is the Smartest Way to Workout

Excited to announce that we have released our first issue of The Fitness Lab Report! If you are interested in science-based fitness and how to further optimize the way that you work out, our newsletter is perfect for you! I'll link the first issue below, feel free to check it out.

For the Health of the SubReddit, a Recommendation:

Every time you post, try to comment sincerely on two other posts. That will help make this reddit actually worth visiting, instead of just being a link dumping ground <3

by barbarian_grungeFounding Member