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Kim Jong un Gay Awakening fanfic (page 1)Fiction

Someone requested I make this story. Then someone else requested I post it here. Enjoy.

It was 7:00AM, July the 4th. A young dictator named Kim Jong Un had an important meeting with the US president in just a few hours. This meeting was one of many on his to do list. No big deal normally but this time he felt something strange, a feeling he wouldn’t normally feel for these meetings. Maybe something important was to come, perhaps he overhead talk of economic prosperity earlier this week that had somehow snuck into the back of his mind. It made Kimchi boy think. Not to think too hard and stress himself out, Kim decided to shake it off. His mental health came first. No need for stress. The dictator proceeded to climb out of bed and put on his regular businesses suit. He tied his best shoes on ready to start the day. Kim couldn’t help but take a look at his gorgeous self in the mirror, as per usual. His beautiful body was something to take a gander at. He couldn’t help but feel he looked heavier today, his skin noticeably imperfect, as well as his hair unusually frizzier. Anxiously, the young dictator ran to grab his bathroom scale. Not a single pound gained as he stepped on. “That can’t be right”. Kim stepped on the scale one more time. The number being the same. He measured his waist and thighs. Nothing different. “I understand now, it’s the suit.” “The housemaid must have shrunk it accidentally” what a relief, it was his outfit not his body that was the issue. The beautiful dictator pulled out a gun and swiftly executed the nearest housekeeper. “I’ll wear this suit, I haven’t put it on since I bought it so it should be okay” as he put on the suit he still couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied with his body. His usual beautiful appearance not just felt so inadequate, with there being nothing left to do the tight bodied dictator averted his eyes from the mirror and walked out the bedroom door. Feeling defeated and anxious as he strutted down the hallway. His staff greeted him with the usual. “Good morning Kim, looking fit as always” “good morning Mr. Dictator, your hair looks beautiful today”. Their kind words feeling somehow patronizing today. “Why must they all pay attention to my body today?” “Why do they keep patronizing me” “why are they secretly mocking me, these assholes I hate them just leave me alone”. The young dictator’s mind racing with negative thought. “SHUT UP ALL OF YOU, GUARDS EXECUTE THESE FAKES!” “HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME”. Kims shouting was enough to silence the whole room. One by one his housekeepers executed in front of him. He continued down the hallway and to the dining hall. A long table filled with a feast fit for a god was presented to him. Yet again he felt distain. His fast metabolism brought him comfort most mornings, looking at the plates of eggs, bacon, sweets and fried food was normally no challenge to him as he did not need to watch what he ate. “ I’m not hungry” kimchi told the chef. “ but sir, your metabolism. If we don’t get your 5,000 calories in per meal your body will starve!” Again kimmy boy grew angry. “I see now” he exclaimed. “YOURE TRGING TO MAKE ME FAT” “GUARDS EXECUTE THIS CHEF FOR TREASON”. One more body on the floor. Another favorite staff member of his now dead.

(Page 1. Page 2 comming soon)

I got to say Cuck Today! A tribute to some of my more adoring fans. Story-related

As I sit here in my Mom's Basement, dick in one hand, Slim Jim in the other. Well, I guess you could say Slim Jim in both hands. Got the lap top open on the TV tray right next to me, Reddit on the screen. Just looking for something to get me going.

And just like that! There it is! Some guys thinking about giving his girlfriend another chance. My inner Randy Savage surfaces, "Ooohhhhh Yeeeaahh, It's Playtime." My heart races, the sweat forms upon my brow before my middle finger even graces the caps lock. By time I've typed the 2nd "C" I can barely contain myself.

The Rush...The Release...The Ecstasy....I got to say Cuck today!!!

I hurry over to my Private Facebook Group "Patriots of Higgins Town" to spread the word.

"FELLAS, there's a guy talking about taking his girlfriend back, we get to say CUCK today!!"

Earl types furiously, "Goddamn it Jeff, you got say basement warning first, I'm sitting here on my mom's couch no shirt on, gray sweatpants, give a guy a heads up. Luckily she's already on her 3rd Whiskey Sour of the morning otherwise that would have been really embarrassing. You heard him Boy's we got a live one on the Cuck Line"

Jerry pops in, "My mom won't let me in the basement no more after I ruined another hand towel."

Earl fires back, "For fuck sake Jerry, just use your socks, this guy says his girlfriend dated another guy when they were broke up, we might not get another chance like this for 12 hours."

Jerry fired up, types back emphatically, "Yeah! Fuck you Mom, I go where I want. TO THE BASEMENT!!!"

The beauty of the next 17 minutes was indescribable. A dozen grown men at 10:45 in the morning, giving unified voice. We focus all 94 days of our combined relationship experience into every comment. Unleashing our original wit upon the OP:

"CUCK" .... "Your a Cuck"....."what a fucking cuck"...."Cucck"....and finally, I come back with the ultimate finisher "you r a simp cuck lol"

They have no response, at least I think they don't, I can't see the post anymore. But nonetheless.....

I got to say cuck today!

Pinnedby TheStoryBoycompulsive liar
My BFF wants her Dad to walk her down the aisle, even though he killed her fiance's parents. Part 3Fiction

Part 2

I waited a full week before calling my ex-husband. I wanted to have all my thoughts in order. I ran through things he might say, I ran through things I wanted to say, I had fake conversations with myself.

When I finally sent him a text asking to talk I was so nervous I hoped he wouldn't respond. Just like that though he texted back, "Why?" All the scenarios I ran through and this wasn't one of them. I texted back and said, "I missed him, and wondered if we could just talk, no pressure, just talk."

He texted back, "I don't know, I'm not sure I want that. I know it probably took a lot to reach out, so I will say this. I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk. I would prefer if you gave me sometime to think about that. Please don't message again, I will reach out once I have an answer, and promise not to keep you waiting longer than a week."

This was the longest week of my life. When I got a message from him exactly one week later, I got literally nauseous with nerves. He wanted to know why I missed him and why I wanted to talk. I told him I had revelation about our problems, that I didn't treat him fairly. That I was finally starting to see how I made him feel. I wanted to try again, that no matter what, I did choose him, I did want to be with him for life, have kids, grow old, all the things.

He responded, "I'm not sure I want to try again, but I'm willing to continue to talk, we can see what happens from there. I'm going to go now, feel free to CALL me tomorrow after work."

For the next 3 days we talked after work. The first couple days we just caught each other up on our lives, it was awkward, like when you run into an old high school friend at the mall, but it was start. It was on the 3rd day that things got real. We began to talk about our marriage problems. I know he was hurt and that I minimized his feelings, and when he asked for divorce I got defensive and aggressive instead of listening. I was trying to just listen now when I had an intrusive thought. This thought made me ask, "Have you started dating, or seeing anyone, anything? It's okay if you have, we said we would just talk so I don't expect anything. I'm just wondering." He told me he had not, he did say he had created a dating profile, but that he hadn't put much effort into it and had not had a match. I felt relieved by this, but I should have realized what he was about to ask. He said, "Well, how about you?"

I wanted so bad to lie. To not tell him about Chris. But I knew I couldn't hide it, so I told him all about the wedding (which I had said I wasn't ready to talk about up to this point), and what happened after. He asked a few more probing questions, and I knew I set us back. He got off the call pretty quickly after. I wondered if he would call me back. I tried calling and texting the next couple days but got no response.

That's when I came to the realization. It had been at least 40 days since my last period, panic set in immediately. I rushed to out to the pharmacy and grabbed a 3 pack off the shelf. When the first one came back positive, I took the second, then the third, all positive. That same-day my ex husband called me for the last time. I didn't waste time, I told him right away. We essentially said our goodbyes. He was certain that their was no future for us now. I cried for a week straight.

At that point I contacted Chris and told him. Over the next month we talked it out and came up with a plan for our future as parents, we had no plans of starting a relationship, just promised to be the best co parents we could be. He was really supportive through the whole pregnancy, and was in the delivery room when our daughter was born.

Four months after her birth, Chris stopped by to check on us. This was very common and I felt good each time he did. He looked at me with this warm smile and said, "You want to go out with me, on a real date?" I was shocked at the time, he just continued, "I think we had so much trauma from our last relationships, that neither of us was ready for another, but, maybe it's time, and maybe we should give each other a chance."

That was 5 years ago, we have been married for 3 now. I can't believe where we are. Our relationship dynamic has evolved but we are closer and happier than ever.

Kristen came back with some ugly social media posts and passive aggressive stuff for the first 6 months post wedding. I learned this from friends as I had blocked her up on my return. We didn't do any large pregnancy announcements, obviously as the circumstances were a little embarrassing. We sent out exactly one, I picture of Chris standing behind me with his hands on my belly. The card just said, "Kristen, were all doing so much better without you." We never heard from her again.

After that last phone call I never heard from my ex-husband again. I love Chris but every once in awhile my ex will creep into my head and I'll have moment of where I wish we at least had gotten closure. I heard he had met someone but that was all I knew.

That is until this past Saturday night, Chris and I left our girl with my parents and took ourselves on a little vacation. We got dressed up on Saturday night and went out to a club for the first time. We weren't there 15 minutes when we ran into my ex and his new wife. I didn't know what to say, he was so different, but in a good way. We took a moment to talk and by the end of the night I felt like we both finally had closure. I would give you all more details, but honestly, I feel like that's his story to tell.

by TheStoryBoycompulsive liar
I can't drink anymoreVenting

When I was younger I used to be able to hold my liquor quite well. Long story short I stopped for like a few years coz of my kids and I was quite busy with life. Last night I went back to drinking at a bar with my friedns just some few shots here and there. The night started quite well and I didn't drink that much to be honest, I stopped when I felt kinda disgusted with the drink. So when I went home I was doing ok and no problems at all. When I woke up the next morning tho, I just had the worst stomachache and I keep puking. I think my gut can't take that much liquor anymore and it wasn't even that much tho

I convinced a guy that girls shed their skin monthly.Non-Fiction

Every now and then I just randomly remember something I did in high school. One night I randomly got a text from a guy I had in class where he asked if I could honestly answer a question and not tell anyone at our school. I told him sure and asked what the question was and he asked me if it was true that girls shed their skin once a month because he saw it online. I started laughing and decided that I was going to say yes it was true and would try to make it as believable as possible. I remember spending at least 2 hours explaining to this guy about how “difficult” shedding skin can be and how if you want to get rid of it quick you can just use duct-tape. I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Eventually I did tell him that I was just messing around but it still makes me laugh whenever I remember it.

My BFF wants her Dad to walk her down the aisle, even though he killed her fiance's parents. Part 2Fiction

Part 1

We arrived. It was a tight schedule at the front end. Luckily we had an early morning arrival. We had all day on day 2 for prep, wedding day 3. The bride and groom were leaving on a 4 day cruise on day 4, then returning to the resort for a week after. All the rest of the guests were there at the resort for days 4-7. We were supposed to greet them up on their return from the cruise, before catching our own flights out later that day. It was really too much, but I was looking forward to basically 3 and half days of vacation. I really felt like I deserved it, dealing with the drama of this wedding for however long, and going through my own divorce during.

The first red flag that it was going to get ugly came when the tuxedos got delivered. There were 6. I knew the groom and 4 groomsmen equaled 5, so why the hell were there 6. Kristen said it must have just been a mistake on their end, "Who cares, at least it wasn't 4 (with a laugh)." I had my suspicions, and I'm sure you all are thinking the same thing. Day 2 and the morning of was a blur. Getting ready for the event, decorating, hair, make up, dresses. Despite all this I noticed Kristen texting of her phone a little more than usual, especially considering everyone was here with her. When we got to the actual ceremony, and nothing crazy had happened, I was very relieved.

Everyone walks out, it's all very nice. Chris is standing there at the alter, wedding party on each side, it's all good. Music starts, and Kristen steps out with Dan on her arm. All of the air left the space, and this was an outdoor wedding. I looked at Chris, tears were forming in his eyes and a rage was brewing on his brow. A couple of the groomsmen were visibly pissed off. I was beside myself, I have known Kristen for 9 years and never thought she would be this dense and selfish. I'm sure she thought that Chris, being the good guy that he is would never make a scene and would just play the part, and that she would get the chance to smooth it over later. She was wrong.

All the guests stared in pure bewilderment, shocked Pikachu face across every one of them. When they reached the alter, Dan, in a move of pure stupidity extended his hand towards Chris. Yeah, I get this is a custom but goddamn man, read the room. As he stood there with hand extended, Chris came with an overhand right that landed square on the nose. The blood spatter layed a red mist of droplets all over Kristen's white dress. Dan hit the ground but he was a tough old bastard and popped up ready to fight Chris. As he charged, Chris's best man Bill, came out of nowhere and kicked Dan square in the chest sending flying to ground again. He wallowed around on the floor with the wind knocked out of him. One of the other bridesmaids husbands jumped in to break things up. Meanwhile, Kristen was in Chris's face just screaming, I got in between them and called the other bridesmaids to help get her out of here. They got in between us, and I turned to start pushing Chris out of the area. Dan was still flopping on the ground when his ex-wife got up, walked over, stomped on his balls and then exited the area.

As I was pushing Chris one way, Kristen slipped past the others and started screaming at me, "You cunt, don't think taking and fucking my husband is gonna make up for not fucking your own." That was a low blow, this bitch has officially lost her mind. I turned to her and said, "What did you say?" She doubled down, "You heard me, you ruined your marriage by being a boring fuck, don't think you can make up for that by taking mine now." I snapped, and it was on. It was a mess of slapping and hair pulling and dress ripping. The other ladies jumped in and broke things up, both of us screaming at each other.

Once everyone was separated it calmed down. Different groups were pushed back in their rooms. I was reeling, Kristen had really cut deep. The idea I was after her husband was ridiculous, I had never so much as had a private conversation with Chris. That was just her being crazy, but to use my own divorce against me, to cut me the way my ex-husband had, that moment was too low. We were done, friendship dead.

Kristen much to everyone's delight, made a flight change and left that very night back home, and took Dan with her. We all assumed we were getting kicked out of the resort for the fight but the hotel manager said drunk Americans fighting at a wedding was pretty normal. He warned us if it happens again though they'd call the authorities. The one bridesmaid and her husband managed to get Kristen and Chris's cruise trip switched to them for a low fee. Everyone slept off the rest of wedding day. Kristens mom and a couple other older guests left on Day 4. Chris stayed at the resort the rest of that week. As did the rest of the wedding party and a few other friends. We decided to live it up for 3 days.

We started that night on day 4. I for one was cutting loose. I had the year from hell, divorce and bridezilla all culminating in the most disastrous wedding ever.

Well, it got weird on night one, after some heavy drinking I found myself waking up naked in bed with Chris. We both looked at each other in the morning like "What the hell did we do, and what do we do now?" May not have been the best decision, but decided that going for round two right then was the thing to do. It was the first of many more rounds over the next few days. I had not been this uninhibited in so long, I made the most of everytime.

When the time for me to fly out hit, Chris still had another week at the resort for his "honeymoon." We didn't do any romantic movies esque goodbye or anything. I left on the same flight with a few other guests, others had left at various times that day and the days prior. On my ride home I was feeling very guilty. It was guilt for what happened with Chris, not for Kristen, fuck her, but for my ex-husband. I came to realize on that flight I had this idea of what I wanted married life to be, or maybe just what it was supposed to be. I knew we both made mistakes, but for once I was starting to realize that mine were the ones that really led to our divorce. I had a fling with Chris, but what I really wanted was my ex-husband back, I was going to try when I returned.

Unfortunately, I would find out some mistakes have a way of catching up with you, while others some how come full circle.

Part 3

by TheStoryBoycompulsive liar
My uncle is a pedophile, AITA for hating my mom?Venting

Im 22F, and my uncle is 29M. This may be too much for some people, so I advise people who have strong guts to continue to read my story. For the past couple of years, I've been having constant arguments and getting irritated every time I see with my mom. I still live with her since I'm in college right now, trying to finish my senior year. My graduation got delayed because of all the CPTSD and depression. I do see a therapist for my CPTSD, and I do have medications for my depression and ADHD, but I can't ever forgive my mom. I got SA'd when I was around 10 by my uncle, who was around 17 and soon to be 18 that same year. It happened 4 times, 3 times being at home. The other time was on family vacation, when my mom invited him. It first started with him needing to see me, so he used my brother (13M) to tell me I needed to go into my uncles room because he needed to tell me something. I go to my uncles room a lot with my brother to play Minecraft on his Xbox 360, so I thought it was a normal thing. My brother only did that because he got to play on his computer. Next thing you know, I was forced to give head to my uncle. I told him that I didn't want to, and he would say that he would never let me play on the Xbox again and would delete my world.

As a kid, I spent a lot of time building things, and I got scared that all my hard work would go down the drain. I was hoping my brother would notice, but all he had on was his headsets and stared at the screen. It happened 2 more times until I didn't want to do it anymore. My breaking point was that I told my uncle I ate, and so I felt nauseous and he didn't care. He said that it was okay. I threw up, but I got scared to puke everywhere, so I swallowed my vomit. After that, he would tell me to go to the bathroom and spit it out. I searched on Google. Can you get pregnant swallowing semen, That's when I knew I didn't want to continue doing it any longer. I was introduced into pornogtaphy by my brother when I was 10, and he introduced me into pornography games. I didn't think of it as much as a bad idea until he got caught and got grounded by my parents. So, as all of this was happening, my inner thoughts thought that it was normal until I realized it's something that family did not do on a normal basis. When the Florida trip came, I do not remember if it was the same year or the year after all of the things happened, I was told that my uncle will join us in florida 3 days after. I wasn't happy and got upset.

The day he came, he acted normal until the night we had to sleep. The hotel I remember it was tiki hiki something like that, it had two bedrooms. One room had two beds, it was a small bed (twin) and it would be separated from the room from another. My parents and my little sister slept together in the other room. I slept in the same bed with my brother, and my uncle had the other bed that was near the door. As I was about to dose off, my uncle whispered "hey, come here" I was hoping it was my brother he was calling for but my brother tapped on me annoyed and said "he's calling for you, not me" I pretended that I didn't hear what my brother said until he said "just go, I'm trying to sleep" kind of attitude. I walked over, and I said "what". My uncle told me to climb into his bed, I didn't want to but I did because I was scared my brother would yell at me if I didn't let him sleep since my uncle kept asking for me (it was pretty late around 11pm). He asked me, "Do you like light sabers?" I said,"Yeah?" He knew this because I would watch Star Wars on TV back at home. Then he said, "Do you want to touch my lightsaber?" I said," What light saber? " he said "here, " and he placed my hand on," You know what? " I tried to end the conversation and hoping my brother would be awake, but he was dead asleep. He told me to jerk him off. After it was done, I was just in shock while he used the bathroom to clean himself up. I turned facing my brother and I wished I had got up to go back but I didn't. I was in utter shock and was sad. When he came back, he put his thing between my thighs while I was facing my brother going back and forth, and at that moment, I got up and went to the other side. And I pretended to fall asleep. Nothing else happened after the trip, but I didn't know what just happened.

I never told anyone as I was told that if I told anyone, I wouldn't be able to play on the Xbox anymore. I told my friends in 6th grade, and they said woah... but they never told me to report it to the police and so I thought it was something that I had to get over with. Until 11th grade in high-school, I was in a silly drama with a girl who always thinks I spread rumors about her when I didn't even know the rumors or she just likes to blame everything on me. That's for another time. I got called into the office and when they tried to say that i shouldn't be spreading rumors (rumor is that this girl was on tinder and got SA'D by someone she claimed she knew for a long time and got mad I told my ex who was my bf at the time what happened and he just so told people long after we broke up) I told them that it wasn't my problem and the school councilor said " you don't know what happens between these closed doors especially even when families are around" I guess that sentence hit me pretty hard because I started to cry. The girl thought I cried because I got caught or something and till this day she still thinks that. But besides that, the councilor told everyone to leave and asked what happened. I told them and they told me that they had to call the police. I didn't go to the rest of my class that day. My uncle got arrested, and my parents came to ask what happened. They were told by police and the school. I never wanted to tell my mom specifically because I knew her response. My dad got really mad and demanded him to get out of the house and never come back.

I went to live with my dad's parents for a bit while everything got sorted out. My mom would visit me and ask if im OK and why I never told her. This was when I thought my prediction about telling her was wrong. I was wrong. The meeting between my parents and the school took place for a couple of days. My mom looked at me and said " this is wasting my time, I am missing work because of this" when we got called into the room, she told them " he's only a child (my uncle), it shouldn't happen this way" everything was a blurr after I heard her repeatedly saying that sentence. I heard mumbling from the councilors. I thought my mom would be on my side. I was wrong. During the times she would come to see me at my grandparents, I would be in the car, and my mom would tell me, " he's family... when she was little, some older man tried to touch her but she slapped his hand and she's over it. " I looked at her and said that's not the same. She told me I should forgive him because he was a kid and he even said sorry. I told her I didn't want to see her anymore and went back up to my grandparents. My dad's parents didn't know what was happening except that I had to stay with them for 2 weeks. My mom never told anyone. I wish I did, but I didn't speak my language very well, so I never really knew how to bring it up with my broken language. After going to detectives after school and my parents taking time off work, my mom kept telling me she missed work and didn't have time for this. I got mad and told her she didn't have to come (she had to because she's my parent). The week after, she told me to drop the case. She said, " Don't trust these police or detectives. They're trying to ruin the family. You don't want him in jail, do you?" I looked at her shocked and said,"What do you mean?" She said," If he goes to jail, the family is ruined, " she tried to basically say that it'll be my fault. My grandma (mom's side) will be heartbroken for the rest of her life. I was pressured into dropping the case. I wished that I had continued the case because ever since i didn't, my life had become harder. I was struggling to go to school, and I barely passed my classes during senior year. I graduated, but it was during when covid started. Every time I bring it up to my mom about it, she always tries to dismiss it. I've been talking to my therapist (I've gotten different therapists but now I have the one I constantly go to once a week) how during college I had to withdraw classes every semester and I just didn't do good.

I'm planning to report him again and finish the case. It's been kind of hard. After I dropped the case, my uncle invited me to his car, and I had to because my mom forced me. He apologized and hoped that everything would be fine in the future, and he was sorry that he did that to me. He was crying, but I was just not comfortable. I told his gf about it, and she was shocked and said, " I don't want to marry him if he had done this because what if he does it to my kid also?" Point blank she never left him and still is together with him. I'm glad it never happened to my sister because she was interviewed also by the detectives. But I'm also so alone that i have no one. My dad felt guilty since my grandma and mom begged my uncle to stay at the house. I've moved out of that house with my mom and sister (my dad visits occasionally) to a place near my school a couple of years later. My parents are deciding to move back to the house where everything happened, and I told them i can't. My mom doesn't understand that I will never forget, and she always invites him to family events and i told her to stop, and she got upset and said the event isn't going to happen anymore. She stopped inviting him after a heated argument, and I told her I'm taking pills because of what she did and what he did to me. She told me to stop asking the pills, (I never did) but she's so blind on what's happening, she keeps avoiding the topic and whenever I see her I can't help but get mad. My mom didn't raise me, my grandparents did. She had me when she was young at 21 or 22. But she would always get me what I wanted. Even so, I can never be the same. I wanted to continue the case, and I realized that now I have limited time. My uncle plans to move out of state, across the country, next year. I feel pressured, and my mom kept telling me that I need to stop talking to her with an attitude. Of course I can't.

Edit: The same year, the case got dropped. My mom decided to buy him a birthday gift a couple of months later.

My BFF wants her Dad to walk her down the aisle, even though he killed her fiance's parents. Part 1Fiction

When I (Brooke 28F) say her Dad (Dan 58M) killed her fiance's parents, I don't mean literally. There is a lot of history here. I'm gonna go over it as much as possible, without making this too long.

Kristen (27F) and Chris (28M) met 5 years ago. They dated for 2 years when he proposed and they moved in together. At their engagement party was the first time the families met. Everything seemed fine and all parties appeared to get along. Well, apparently some of them got along too well.

This all came out a year later. Dan and Chris's Mom (Kate 55F) were having an affair. Not excusing either party, I know it takes 2 to tango, but all the evidence shows Dan started it. He initiated contact, he was the first to send an inappropriate message, he booked the first hotel room and so on. Kristen's mom straight up divorced her Dad and moved. Kristen has always been a Daddy's girl, and in some weird ways took his side in the divorce, which created a rift between her and her mom (Mom has been completely hands off during this whole 2 years, and is only coming to the wedding as a regular guest.)

A few days after the news came out, Chris's Dad (Ernie) died from a massive heart attack. From what I've heard he was Chris's hero. His Dad was always there for his family. Chris was spending time with his Dad in those days and him just being absolutely distraught with grief. Chris immediately blamed Dan and Kate for his Dad's death. He went full no contact with his Mom. Kate kept trying to get in touch with him, and push to work this out. Chris's younger sister Leslie kept telling her to give him time but she wouldn't listen. From what I understand Kate had her own mental breakdown after Ernie's death. She was apparently self medicating and drinking quite a bit. Two months after Ernie's death, Kate in desperate attempt to talk to Chris, ambushed him at work. It got really ugly with Chris telling her she was dead to him, she would never see a grandchild from him, never be in his life again, along with some choice names. Kate went home and called Leslie to vent only to get chewed out again for not listening and showing up at his job. Then Leslie said she was done trying, and didn't want to see her either. That night Kate went on an especially heavy bender and died from an accidental overdose. Chris had permanently lost both parents in 2 months because of Dan.

This obviously almost ended Kristen and Chris's relationship. They decided to give counseling a try and in the 10 months following got back on track, and began the wedding planning. Chris's one caveat through all of this is that Dan is gone from their lives forever, Kristen agreed to this in counseling.

This last year as her best friend and maid of honor has been really trying. Unfortunately, Kristen is a bit of a bridezilla. Not quite totally awful, but annoying and unempathetic enough to have me questioning our friendship. I have been doing my best to help with the preparations, however I have my own problems. About 5 months from wedding day my husband decided he was divorcing me after 2.5 years. I'm not going to get in to that now, I just want you to know what kind of mental state I'm in when this all turns crazy.

Now to the bridezilla parts. First off, she is one of these brides that has had an image of her wedding since she was like 13 and is determined to make that happen no matter what. So this is a small destination wedding in Jamaica. It was supposed to only be Bride, Groom, 4 bridesmaids, 4 Groomsmen, originally 4 parents but we're down to 1 now, and about 12 other assorted guests like spouses and a few choice friends. I tried to tell her it would be best to just have the wedding here in the States, especially given everything that has happened, but she didn't listen. I've been tied up trying to help organize makeup hair, dresses, tuxes for Jamaica, while at the same time getting fucking divorced. I have gotten very little sympathy from Kristen during this. She is always like, "I know, I'm so sorry for you, I will absolutely be there for you everyday, it's just this wedding, I just need to get through it." Yada yada yada. Anyway, I'm pushing through.

Well here's where the biggest problem comes in. About 1 month prior to the wedding day. Kristen decides she needs her Dad walking her down the aisle (I know she was planning that the whole time, even if she didn't say it). She decided to bring this up to Chris, saying in her dream wedding she has always pictured him giving her away, then we can go no contact, it's just this one day. Chris freaks out understandably. He says absolutely no way. They fight for an hour about this, until finally Chris just says, "Fine you can have him walk you, but it will be at your next wedding, because this one is off." Chris leaves and doesn't come back.

Kristen has a meltdown and starts calling me. She had decided that the day of my divorce finalizing was the day to this, so I was not exactly available. After about 6 hours she shows up at my new one bedroom apartment (yay me) a total mess. I tell her she needs to start trying to call him. He ignores her for 2 days before we track down where hes at. They talk, she swears he is cut off, and that this was just her being crazy before the wedding. He gives her another chance and the wedding plans continue.

I'm not going to lie, I was kind of hoping the wedding was going to be off, but a few weeks later we all boarded a plane for Jamaica, and quite possibly the greatest shit show in the history of weddings.

Part 2

by TheStoryBoycompulsive liar
Update: My stepdad beat me with a chair and got away with it. new information has surfaced

This is an update to my previous post. Not sure how to go about updating this properly as I don’t use Reddit a lot.

It’s been a while since my last post. A lot has happened. I didn’t think I would need to update on this but more has happened. In early march, Mimi was diagnosed with a very rapidly growing cancer (squamous cell carcinoma lung) stage 4. There were 3 growths found in her lungs. One 2cm one 3 cm and one 5 cm all in inoperable spots because they were partially in her lymph nodes . It’s been a very rough last few months to say the least. That woman is my everything. She has raised me my whole life. We tried radiation for a while (she wasn’t strong enough for chemo) but we were told we basically were just prolonging the inevitable. But some people can live up to a decade more in the best cases. The problem is we were blown off by doctors for so long that it has advanced a lot and she already has gotten much weaker. (When I say being blown off I mean we went to drs for months with her feeling like she couldn’t breath and for atleast 6 months they told her it was a cold or she was fine. She even told them she felt like she could die and that’s when her dr said “I think you’re fine but I’ll send you to a lung specialist anyways” and the cancer was found) They set her up to do 10 sessions over a period of 2 weeks. She didn’t handle it well. She was just too weak. By her 5th session. No progress was being made. By her 7th session it was still getting bigger. Her lung had started to collapse. The Friday before Easter would’ve been her last session. She was so sick and it wasn’t helping. She made the decision to stop treatment. After Easter dinner, we brought her to the hospital. She was given a week left.

Now I know in my last post I referred to P as my husband. That’s because we live together and function like we were married but legally we were not married. We were engaged but with the stuff with Jim and then Mimi along with financial issues, and I always dreamed of a big wedding. It kept being put off. Now knowing that Mimi only had a week left we wanted to be married with her there. Didn’t care about money. I just wanted her there. So we planned our wedding in 1 week. My aunt who had come from states away to help with Mimi in her end time, was our officiant. A local shop who had heard our story donated a dress to me and sized me. Because of our special story and it making local news quickly, we had a free photographer, cheap good food for the reception, and even a free dj too. We had a family friend do the little tailorings to the dress. And we had our wedding in the hospital chapel. What we didn’t realize was that our wedding day also perfectly fell on my late grandfathers birthday making it extra special. It was a beautiful wonderful day. We all got so many pictures with Mimi, and she was all smiles despite how she was feeling. At this point with both lungs collapsed.

She ended up staying a lot longer than a week. She ended up staying till almost the end of April, till she got moved to a nursing home. She ended up passing on May 8th surrounded by our family. I held her hand till she left. Now to get to why this is N update to the Jim story and what he has to do with all of this.

Mom and Jim got a little closer dying Mimis final days. Mom needed someone to watch the kids. All she has is me or Jim. And we both wanted to be with Mimi because we didn’t know when she would let go but we were told it was most likely her final day.

About 2 1/2 weeks after Mimi had passed, the day of her memorial, mom fucked him after it. I only know this because she told me. I asked her who initiated it. She said him. I asked her if it occurred to her that possibly he could have been taking advantage of her in one of her lowest moments. I mean her mother just died and it was the same day right after the funeral. She didn’t really have a response for that but I could see the gears turning in her. That thought had not occurred to her. I knew the inevitable was coming. That she would get back with him. She promised me that she wouldn’t let him move back in unless he dropped the pfa, and that they would do a LOT of counseling first. That’s not what happened at all.

Mom usually talks to me on the phone for about an hour or more everyday. Sometimes she calls sometimes it’s me calling. 4 days went by where I tried calling and she wouldn’t answer or would say she has to call me back and wouldn’t. Finally on the 5th day I called her, got through.

Me: hey Her: hey, I’m going ti have to call you back because- Me: No. you keep saying that and then not calling me back. For days in a row now. What is going on? Her: I let him move back in… Me: Did he drop the pfa? Her: … Me: you said you’d have him drop it before letting him back in. Her: you promised you wouldn’t cut contact if I let him back in Me: and you promised you wouldn’t let him back in with an active pfa. Her: well we talked and he said he’d drop it eventually. Me: why did you agree to this

She ended up going on this long winded story of how she’s so depressed that she wasn’t getting the girls ready or off to school. And she just can’t do it anymore. That the one day she woke up to her alarm and didn’t even know what it was for and here it was for max to go to school (at noon) and she had never got Luci and Molly up or ready or on the bus for 7am. And that she decided then and there that she couldn’t do it any more.

I let her know that, because she let him move back in, legally I am not allowed to go to that house anymore because legally now it is his residence. I told her that I’m over her picking men over me, and her children and I’m just done. She kept saying over and over again that she didn’t think she would be screwing me out of coming over to her house. I said that was the problem. That she doesn’t think. She just does things based on if it feels good or not and she did it again without a care as to how it will affect not only herself but the kids too. She tried convincing me that “as long as no one calls the police, everything will be fine and he said he won’t call them on you.” I tried explaining that I have 0 reason to trust him on that, that this feels like a big set up, and no person in their right mind would accept that. Not to mention all the possibilities that opens up for more abuse to happen to me. And he still thinks I attacked him. So I cut contact. I told her she had until the beginning of this month (July 2024) to make a decision to either have him leave. Drop the pfa, or I’m done talking with, and seeing her.

As of today he is still living with her, and the girls, and the pfa is still active. Im still no contact and trying to focus on healing, and my new marriage. It was just my birthday also. She sent me one of those cakes that butterflies fly out of the box. No sorry. Nothing. And to be honest this was one of the hardest birthdays I’ve had to deal with. Mimi isn’t here for the first time for one of my birthdays. No one came to my party. I made ribs and cake. And no one came. So I’ve been pretty depressed. Im not really sure how to end this off other than to say thank you for reading, and this is real. This isn’t a story for clout or anything. This has really been my life for the past almost year. And I’m exhausted any advice, criticism, or anything would be appreciated.

I found out my wife had a "wild side" that I have never gotten to experience. Now everyone thinks I'm a jerk for asking for a divorce. Part 1Fiction

I might be an asshole here, or I might not. I know I’m being told I’m an asshole, but honestly I don’t feel like I am. I feel alive for the first time in my life.

I’ll (Anthony 29M) start from the beginning. I have always had an extreme insecurity when it came to girls and sex. My therapist and I think it started from a traumatic experience I had when I was 14 years old.

I was at the city pool. I had my very first girlfriend (that I had been dating for 3 weeks, watch out). It was the start of summer and everything was fine. We were there with a lot of friends, like 15, both boys and girls. I was standing on the edge of the pool, my girlfriend was standing next to me, we were talking to a group of around 6, mostly girls that were in the water. The other groups were scattered around in the same section. It seemed that for no other reason than divine intervention, everyone just kind of turned and looked in my direction. This was probably not the case but it sure felt that way. At that moment my best friend (Ralph) came up from behind and yanked my trunks down. I gave everybody the full frontal. Now, I had just been in the pool, so there was some serious shrinkage. Needless to say everyone erupted into laughter, including my girlfriend. I heard some jackass yell out, “Hey look at Tiny Tony!”

I pulled my shorts up quickly. My fight/flight/freeze instinct had kicked in hard, and I ran out of the pool (I left my shirt behind). I remember getting on my bike out front and just pedaling all the way back home. I was so humiliated. Everyone had seen, and now everyone thought I had a tiny dick, including me (In reality I am extremely average, but it took me a long time to figure that out). I spent the rest of the summer avoiding everyone. My best friend tried calling and texting several times. I ignored every attempt. He was very apologetic but honestly the damage had been done. My girlfriend tried contacting me too, but I never messaged her again. I swear I didn’t leave the house but a few times that whole summer after this. The biggest change however was that I told my Mom I wanted to stay with my Dad, because that meant a different school district. I was starting High School that fall, and was so embarrassed by what happened, I didn't want to go back to my old school. I mean it wasn’t just my friends group, it was a busy day at the pool, there were plenty of people there that I knew and didn’t like as well. The last thing I wanted was to be known as “Tiny Tony” all of High School. Plus the way I ran out of there, I may have had tears, I can’t remember, it was just so fast and so awful, honestly just one of my absolute worst memories.

My parents were fine with me switching. I know my Mom was hurt because it changed her from my primary address and thus where I slept most nights. I just told them it was because the School where my Dad lived was bigger and newer (For note my parents only lived about 30 minutes apart so it wasn’t like I was really that far from anyone.) They bought it and I switched schools. I coasted through the next 4 years with a few friends that were also into the nerdy stuff I was. I am not a very assuming guy, it was pretty easy for me to stay under the radar. I am 6’3” so every now and then I’d get a tall joke tossed at me but otherwise not much. I didn’t play sports and didn’t really talk in class unless I had to.

When I got to college, I met a girl. Her name was Jodie. We were quite possibly the two most awkward fucking people to ever get together. Jodie was raised in a strict religious household. She was actually homeschooled. The weirdest part was her parents had this belief that when kids turned 18 they were on their own. She had to move out of her house! She stayed with her older brother, who had pretty much the same beliefs. So yes, I spent all 4 years of college dating the same awkward, sheltered, shame raised girl.

I had some college friends, she didn't have any. She was waiting for marriage, and given my insecurities I was fine with that. We did do some hand stuff, but that usually ended her going into a guilt spiral.

I came out the other end of my bachelors, and immediately decided to go for the Master's degree. She did too but transferred to a different school. On our graduation day, which only her brother came to (but he did bring a card from her parents), she broke up with me. Her exact words were, “Well, thanks for being my college boyfriend, it was fun, best of luck next year in grad school.”. Never heard from her again.

I spent the next 2 years in grad school and did not date. I graduated and found a top notch job coming out. I was on the path to a solid career. I found myself a nice apartment and settled in.

I was a 25 year old virgin who had kissed exactly 2 girls in his lifetime. I had no real social life other than online video games. I did have this one coworker, who was an extrovert (gross I know haha) and he was always trying to get me to go out for drinks with him and the others. Most humans would have given up on me after the first dozen rejections, but not Vince.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I was lonely. My insecurities were just so rampant, it was better than putting myself out there. Then one day, for whatever reason, I said yes to Vince. The others from the office were shocked but excited (red flag much). I was already questioning what I had gotten myself into. Especially since they took me to Hooters of all places.

We sat and not a moment later this very attractive early 20s waitress came over. As the night progressed she would come over and talk/flirt as I learned they do there to pad the tips. The guys were pressuring me to talk to her. So when she came over and started chatting us again I began asking, “So how long have you worked he….” At this point I had reached for my drink, which I then dropped and spilled everywhere. As I flailed back I hit another drink and knocked it over. Our waitress ran to grab some towels. The guys were all laughing. Another waitress came over and started cleaning up right in front of me. She was standing very close with her hand on my back. I looked at her and she smiled at me.

That was how I met Brooke (24F)

by TheStoryBoycompulsive liar
[ Removed by Reddit ]Venting
Reddit removed post for content policy violations
My Unusual ExperienceStory-related

Today, around 10:45 AM. I experienced the unusual. I was on my way to the movies with my parents. I was sitting in the back seat. Everything was normal. They were talking to each other, and I was just enjoying a nice relaxing ride. But then, it started. My eyes, slowly started to twitch. At first, I thought it was because of the AC going as it usually makes my eyes dry. So I decided to move myself in away, so it would blow on my eyes. But it didn't stop, if anything it got worse. I tried rubbing it to make it stop but it didn't work. I tried almost everything I could do at this moment. The only thing left to do, was ignore it. But then that's when things got worse, but in a good way. Deep within my chest I felt something. I focused closer on it, and eventually I felt as if there was a presence watching me. Even though there was no one visibly watching me. These emotions got worse, more powerful. And my eye twitching got worse too. It was like it was having a spasm. And then randomly, my stupid brain put a picture in my head about the girl from school I liked. And then things got worse. She appeared out of nowhere sitting right next to me. I looked over to her to check if she was real. No matter how hard I blinked or rubbed my eyes, she wouldn't leave. The next thing I know, she put her hand flat down on the seat in between us with her palm facing up. My gut told me to put my hand onto hers. And when I did, I felt the touch of her hand, she closed her hand and held it. When she did, I felt great amounts of powerful love and happiness, so powerful, the twitching in my eyes stopped and turned into crying. It also put a smile on my face. This was like nothing I've ever experienced before. I sat there, so happy and so loved for a good 3 minutes. And she was there the entire time, sitting next to me, with our hands together. I felt the touch of her hand the entire time. But then, randomly it stopped. She had disappeared and vanished. I could no longer feel the touch of her hand. It had looked like I was holding an invisible hand the entire time. I was still smiling, and even when that ended, my brain still felt loved and happy the entire time. It was so overpowering that I had to put my head up and close my eyes to control myself. I've been thinking ever since, about what this could be, how I could feel her touching my hand if she wasn't even there. And then I decided to post it on reddit and tell all of you, and maybe you can help me understand this a bit more.

Thanks for listening.

I love breast milk Non-Fiction

I developed a fetish to breast milk and lactating mothers.

About 4 years ago I did some research on breast milk and found out it is pretty healthy for body builders.

I proceeded to find a couple women on Craigslist who were willing to sell their milk to me and I bout quite a bit.

I started sipping it pretty slow as the taste was different. Eventually I was used to it and drinking about 24 oz a day. I would get stimulation in my penis and it made me feel really strong. Probably just my mind but there is science that men who consume breastmilk can have an increase in testosterone.

I don't drink any now but I edge to videos or live streams of women lactating. It is so hot 🥵.

My abuser will get hurt it’s all my fault Venting

(This will be all over the place im sorry) My name is lily im (19f) I was sexually abused from the age of eight until I was thirteen years old I told my parent when I was fifteen and they called my abuser (which is my younger sibling biological parent). I am now nineteen. i’ve been dealing with all of the aftermath suppressing the trauma ever since I was 15. when I was 16/17. I was sent to a mental hospital because of my suicidal ideation. I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened to me and how much it could’ve been been prevented. I was sexually assaulted in the mental hospital by another patient. the day before I was discharged. And I was almost sent back because of the trauma. The following year I was assaulted in my math class no one did anything about it. I started to believe that was only made for things like that to happen to me. I graduated last month. Still not over what happened to me. I’ll let someone who is the friend of my parent know that I’m still not over this. (I still have nightmares, I couldn’t wear dress until I was 18, I hated sleeping in my bed, never comfortable naked, having flashbacks during sex, I felt resentment towards my younger sibling because of what their parent did to me,) And they let them know. My parent asked did I want my abuser beat up I said yes and now I’m scared. My sexual abuser is in my sibling life not mine. I see him often but not all the time and that’s what I feel like it was truly holding me back in this whole process I feel like I’m so known I see him often but not all the time and that’s what I feel like it was truly holding me back in this whole process I feel like I’m so alone in this. I press charges as soon I was 18. whole process worked but it still taking longer than I expected to actually press charges. I feel so guilty hypervigilant and afraid all over again. Because of this whole thing my suicidal ideation came back. Now everyone knows I’m suicidal. I leave to college in the fall with my dog and that’s the only thing I’m looking forward too.

Something ive writen in my spare time and thought if anybody finds this interesting. Disclaimer: this is not Potter fan-ficFiction

Year 2045 Willows-Berg, lands of the united conglomerate, England.

"In the world that once was, perfect, astounding, corruption free, where justice reigned from the spiral rooftops, where people united in common purpose and dedication build a paradise of we can only dream off. Where 'the' one race shaped the land and moved 'mountains' of which there were many. The more people toiled the more prosperous the lands were, for the land would give ten times more when the cycle ends.

So prosperous were the people that they never questioned their eaders and lords with their wise advisors. For they had the run of the place from their Ivory towers and golden glass domes, however all that were wise bowed to the 'one' the 'king' and the 'first borne' of the elder blood that flows from Yggdrasil, the great life tree, today some call it "the bones of the earth", that was said was to be planted by God in the ages past."

~Professor Newberry: The significance of this part of the legend is immense in our understanding of ma~~

~Voice one: Profesor, profesor. You said last friday that the stories and 'the' great legend is just a theory, in your opinion while being nonshalant, non factual and poorly understood texts.~

~Professor Newberry: yes, yes i did say that. But what i meant was is that we have limited knowledge of the 'elderspeak' and even less written material to do accurate translations for we can only interpret what the texts actually say. And now if i could have all of our attention, i would like to continue.~

~PN: So where were we? Ah yes, magic. The significance of the coming part of the legend is of the immense value in our understanding of magic.~

"Threw the kings blood the lords and ladies of the court, had the power to shape, change and manipulate matter like no one other for they were direct diesendants of the king. Some hardest working, the chosen ones from the people were permited to bear marriage with bearers of the 'elderblood' to have "magical" children of their own. However such 'chosen' ones were very few in numbers and held in high regard by the general public. And so the gift of the elder blood spread threw the populous albeit slowly. It is theorised that in this way the court wanted to maintain power and influence while not becoming inbreed. What ever the purpose of these machinations one thing is clear, the more pure the blood the more potential that person has, in theory. But this has never been proven and we dont know for sure that these people with elderblood even existed. From today we know, there are countless examples of prominent families in the 'inner' or 'peoples' councils where some members of said families have little to no magical talent."

~Aand, i think thats enough for today. I want all of you to read and make up your thoughts on the given material by next thuesday. Wish you a good weekend and cheerful reunions if some wish to return home for the weekend. That's it.~

Voice1: goodbye Professor Voices2: have a good weekend Professor Voice3 while exciting: -silently- dumb assignment, why does he always give us assignments based on theories and not factual information say like defensive magics like barriers or shields. Voice4: -silently- because you chose his class instead of Miss Ruperts, because you thought its gonna be easy and you can get on with your lady friend every night while not thinking about schoolwork. Voice3 in the corridor: -incoherent mumble-

As students leave the classroom and the last of the stragglers have taken their books and closed the doors Professor Newberry flicks his weathered charcoal black wand, the doors click with a satisfying click. His demeanour changes as he opens a large drawer at lower base of his desk, as he opens the drawer an almost pearl white snake slithers out of it. The snake immediately slithers up his arm to under professor's large brown cloak.

~Professor Newberry chuckling: Had a good time did we?~

A loud semi-loud short hissing starts under professors cloak.

~Snake: no. Its closed off for half of the day and it stinks of chalk. I understand the need of keeping me hidden, but i could stay in your room or pose an animal in your classroom, atleast i wouldn't be chucked in the drawer. So no, i didn't had a good time.

~PN: Alright, was only trying to lighten your spirits a bit. And you know why i keep you hidden in such a fashion. Sooner or later somebody or worse a colleague would notice the magic, the curse and then it would be just a matter of time when they realize yourself is not actually a snake.~

~Snake: Alright, fine its you who started. I will be more cheerful when we find a cure from my predicament. Have you heard anything from your "brother"? Its been weeks since we three talked.~

~PN: No, it is usually we who initiate the conversation...~

Professor suddenly and surely stands up. With a lazy wrist movement profesor flicks once-over with his wand, the chairs, tables, leftover books, pencils and sharpeners suddenly spring in the air as if they come alive and float in their designated places. The curtains go down, the lights go dim and then vanishing completely, as if a whale suddenly swallowed the whole room. He clicks his finger's and a small light appears, it fallows him to the door...

~PN: And you're right I'm to beginning to worry. To the forest, when the moon rays are covered by clouds, we go.~

P. Newberry feels as the snake wriggles deeper into his robe and clothes. The sensation is strangely comforting to him, he likes to keep her close... Gods forbid anything happen to her, he thinks to himself.

~PN: Im going threw the door, quiet now... and try not wriggle so much, it tickles.~

~Snake: Silent hissing noises~

The light vanishes and both of the doors click as he crosses the threshold. As if stalked he looks to the left and then right. His demeanour changes once again as his feet start moving, moving, moving straight threw the corridor into the foie and then straight once more into the garden. And when he is there in the garden it will take him only a few steps to reach the "Teacher's wing".

Today is friday. The foie is packed with eager students and tired staff, students wishing to practice and spar in the evenings matches while other's are eager to pack up and head home to their families, loved ones... You would think with so much magic around the daily routine would be much easier, but no, think again. Most of the student's are either first year's or not wanting to risk a cushy seat in a prestigious school for "Magical talent and arts" by breaking one of the cardinal rules: no magic's in the corridors unless authorised by a teacher or the school board, otherwise its disciplinary action or worse, expulsion which means some rich parent is going to beat his poor-sod of a child senseless. Money and influence needed to send your child to such a place like this requires enormous influence. In truth it is forbidden to practice magic or other arts in the "free" world unless you have a degree from a respected school or some other council recognised private tutor. Magic is mostly a free element that we mere mortals, meaning those with potential and will can grasp and feel, magic, the blood choses, the blood determines your destiny, but the path, the path you take is only your own. Never doubt that. The path you chose in life is as important as the destination. Magic should be "free", its not a thing to be monetized, Professor Newberry thinks to himself.

Finally he crosses the foie, only a few steps left. Down the hallway to the side exit. Done. Opens the door. Done. He is now outside, as his eyes adapt to newly found light, feels the warmth of the sun and new found freedom from the dusty tomes, eager students, endless questions and granite floors...

The garden has this sort of peace about it, long greenery stretches down its centuries old walls, colorful flowers dominate its mossy grean ground. Birds squawk and sing melodies all around, it is almost idyllic. Newberry snaps back to reality as some profesors enter threw the main garden entrance, they see him and make a courteous nod. As he nods back he quickens his pace and enters the "Teachers wing". All is well, he thinks to himself, all he needs right now is a rest for he has work come nightfall.

My dad left me and my brother behindVenting

So, yesterday my dad (51m) and brother (18m) came to pick me (21f) up from my apartment to go to the next city over to do some shopping for my brother. All was good, were walking to different places and enjoying until before the last stop, my brother and I start to have a small arguement on how dyslexia works and he raises his voice at me for getting mad. I tell him not to yell at me and then, my dad snaps. He starts yelling at us that the day is ruined, we’re childlish and tells to go home because we weren’t coming with him on his car.

He then proceeds to call our mom and tells her how we ruined his day and how he wants us out of his house (I haven’t lived there in 2 years) while walking away from us. Me and my brother aren’t faced by this (dad’s anger always gets the best of him) so we start looking for bus times for him. My sister (20f) luckily lives nearby where dad left us so we went to her place to rest and check for the busses. All ends good, we found our busses and got home safely, which after arriving back to my place, I start texting my grandma on what her son did.

Oh, and I almost forgot, my dad later called me and apologized IF he had said something mean and hurtful. I then yelled ”you left is in the middle of a parking lot in (city)!” all he said was ”you guys deserved that”

I think drug lord is going to kill me because I know too much from my own sting operation.Non-Fiction

Long story incoming, because the short story makes me sound like a crazy person. I own a house that I live in, and rent some of the empty rooms to strangers I find on the internet. I have been doing this for years and years, and have never had a problem. Until last week.

Now I have been becoming more lax about the renting procedure. I used to run background checks do references etc., but after years of spending extra money and never having anything come back, and spending extra time talking to npc's I had rented to a couple of tenants skipping some of the formality by sneakily saying "Should I expect anything to come up on a background check?".

The situation at the time; I had a young kid very early 20's currently renting one of the rooms, he had been living there for around 6 months at the time, and we had major personality conflicts, so I ended our month to month and gave him his 30 day notice. The most recent conflict was due to him watering my backyard when it was about to rain and he was just openly spraying water into my Arizona room when I asked what the absolute fuck are you doing? his response was " what like it doesn't rain in there? Also the cops have showed up at my house asking for him...his business I didn't ask. He also had quit his job a while ago which to me wasn't relevant he still paid on time, but becomes relevant later. he was the dumbest person I'd ever met, (and I'm a fairly toxic individual I think most people are dumb...and the amount of steps down the average person would need to take to meet him would exhaust all but the most elite athlete).

I had just rented the other room to a new tenant lets call him Larry.
Larry had been "living" there for about a month at the time. I use the quotes because by living there I mean he had some stuff there (only the bare minimum that would fit "living there" in the eyes of the law) and never stayed the night, and I actually hadn't seen him in a month. He paid in cash and really only had a couple of interaction. the initial meet, which he seemed chill looking to live a super simple life downgrade a bit...he gave me hippie vibes, he said yeah man this seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity, and most of the time its all scams you find. He also sent a text shortly after move in that said hey not a big deal but I see Luna(dog) got into my room, I don't think my door latches all the way. I said I'd fix it next time he was around didn't want to go in his room without him there...and 25 days later still hadn't seen or heard from him. So I start to think...that's odd... I'll reach out. Nothing for a couple days... so here's where things start to get crazy.

I think I'm getting scammed somehow...I don't know how...but I'm getting really worried about the laxness in which I rent to tenants the door not latching made me think that what I was doing was illegal, like maybe he rented a room that I could be liable cuz the door doesn't shut and I didn't repair it within a timeline or maybe he knew I didn't run background check and was just trying to make it to the full 30 day. So I'm freaking out thinking he's trying to wait out a timeline then sue me...or a million other things. I'm thinking about him saying specifically this seems like a once in a life time opportunity, and lot of scams out there...now I feel it's my responsibility to inform the other tenant even with our mutual disrespect for each other...he is a young kid I feel terrible for putting him a situation so I tell him hey something about this isn't adding up I'm going to make a report with the police just in case not a big deal think I might be getting scammed. He goes what I can only describe as crazy.

He started yelling at me calling me delusional and paranoid, telling me not to do it... he then said a series of lies about the other tenant what he was doing where he was at that none of made sense. So I make some calls to some friends explaining the situation asking what I should do and he follows me around listening in...it wasn't exactly a private conversation so I didn't care but still very odd I then notice a black van outside, which I'd started seeing around, parked in different places near my house. I asked the kid if he'd seen that van before, he said I think it's the neighbors I can ask I said don't worry about it. Now I'm thinking because of the lie's to cover the other tenant that the kid is somehow involved I think they might be just trying to rob me at this point. I'll just let the police know in case the van is his... then another agitated aggressive yelling outbreak... I ask dude what's going on...and even though his volume was crazy this whole time he whispers "......" I was maybe 4 ft from him and I had asked him to repeat it 3 times before finally moving closer to hear him whisper "he's a drug dealer"... And he looks super scared. based on what he's been saying I know he knows the other tenant... but as that revolves round my head the kid asked do I have to stay here? are the cops coming I need to know.

Well I feel they should so I step outside to call the cops non emergency, I explain what is going on just saying I want it documented in case this escalates kid seems real scarred but I don't know if you've ever had to file a police report they very much blew me off. Kid is still listening just getting agitated he calls me a stupid motherfucker and starts saying that I'm affecting his mental health and he doesn't feel safe... which ok...well now I don't feel safe... I grab my dog, and opt to stay at a friends house, but after a couple seconds of calming myself down... I ask my friend to just come with me to the house and just be a witness cuz the kid is making me uneasy.

I go back into the house with my friend and the kid is there starts asking questions like if my friends think I'm crazy and I'm stressing them out getting them involved... I calmly said I'm just being cautious you're acting a bit erratic and I want everyone to feel safe so I'm getting the authorities involved. he again blew up kept drilling on the me being paranoid and insane said that he talked to the neighbors and said they said it was their van... I asked you talked to the neighbors? he didn't respond he just started talking about other evidence he had of me being crazy... i asked again you talked to the neighbors he ignored it again... just becoming more and more irate not going silent but not answering I asked a 3rd and 4th times to same effect. I knew he hadn't spoken with them...they weren't there. Now I think back to him whispering and the fact that Larry knew Luna had gone into his room and think it's a surveillance van and I go to take a closer look and it's gone. well that's unsettling.

I tell the kid ok well I don't feel comfortable here I'm going to stay with a friend I know you know the other tenant and it's just not adding up I don't want you to do something stupid. He starts saying things like I don't feel safe either I hope you don't come and shoot me in my sleep... or I'm going to sleep with the door locked the security doesn't seem good here just super thinly veiled threats like that.

So now I'm thinking here we are my life just broke bad. I think ok drug dealer has been surveilling me knows I don't ask a ton of questions and is using my house as a safe house... kid clearly an idiot just low level dealer (no job still has cash)but the police were just here for him... and maybe they were investigating the drugs being stored at my house and I had already called the cops... oh no! I'm a filthy rat... that just put a tail on this operation that clearly involves a lot of money because to have your low end lackey scout out my place for 6 months and have high end audio surveillance just to see if its a good safehouse? so now I'm genuinely scarred for my life. even though I know the likelihood of violence is extremely low... the kid is dumb and agitated enough that my spidey sense is raging. I leave stay at my friends house and start conducting my own sting operation over the next 5 days. Which was a wild ride of scary stuff at multiple points I thought my life was in danger but confirmed a few things...

First Larry was a drug dealer, but like most drug dealers... not violent just some hippie dude who likes acid during the sting operation did contact me had very reasonable excuses for not being in touch and tried to be super chill but I was terrified and so spoke in very vague cryptic terms just making him more uncomfortable and he also because of his situation had to dance around a lot via text and just fueled the paranoia eventually he agreed to move out and be done with me... He did have audio video surveillance but just the kind you plug in and connects to your phone and only in his own room. The kid did buy from him but that's really it. He has some mental issues and was just scared because of his association. I feel real bad for putting Larry through that... I don't know who's Van that was... nor why the kid lied about it though. And looking back on it the kid calling me crazy when I knew I wasn't being crazy was what in turn...turned me a little crazy.

Moja dziewczyna azjatkaSpoilerStory-related

jestem juz ze swoja dziewczyna pare lat, zawsze dobrze sie dogadywalismy i nie mielismy problemu z nasza relacja. okolo miesiac temu, zaczela dziwnie patrzec sie na mojego psa i sie na niego oblizywac. myslalem ze poprostu go lubi bo zawsze jak do mnie przychodzila to sie z nim bawila. jak poszedlem do kibla na ostra srake ktora zajela mi pol godziny, nie moglem znalesc psa. przez pierwszy tydzien myslalem ze uciekl i kiedys wroci. zaczalem podejrzewac ze go zjadla po tym jak dziwnie odzywala sie na temat jego zaginiecia. teraz jak to pisze to jakis czas temu znalazlem psia czaszke w ogrodzie. myslicie ze mam z nia zerwac?

What should I do?Venting

what do you guys think?

Hi everyone I want to tell you something that just happened to me an hour ago. Me and my family are moving into a new house only 9 mins away from our current house. It’s 11:00pm and I was all alone by myself in my new room building my vanity. Btw I’m 16. I was on the phone with my mom and suddenly I hear a door opening and 2 people walking up the stairs. My step dad locked the front door prior to keep me safe. I turned off my lights and stayed in the bathroom. My mom called 9-11 and I stayed quiet while she was talking in the airpod. I didn’t go on my phone since the bathroom was pitch black and locked and if I went on it, the intruders would know. 5 mins go by and I’m super scared. I hear two people grunting and waking around. I was thinking in my head since I know a lot of true crime on what to do right now. I decided to stay quiet and my mom accidental hung up on the phone. Then, they knock on my door. I hold the door shut even though it’s locked and I’m dead silent. I am framing our inside and ready to beat them up if they break in. Then I hear an inside joke, they call me a name they call me with their funny voice. Guess who it was? My sister and her boy “space” friend. I opened the door and cursed at them and started crying. I truly thought I was going to die or be kidnapped. The police showed up and I reassured them I’m fine. My sister had a lecture from my mom and my sister is older than me. She never had done this before. She said she was pranking me and thought my grandma was there. She was bluffing and she said she had no idea I was there alone. She lied again and said that her location was on, but when I was in the bathroom hiding I checked my family’s location to see who was there and her location was off. They feel bad and I’ve been crying all night scared. It’s scary being a 16 year old female all alone in a house at night. Guys, how should I feel? What should I say to them? I’m still feeling puzzled by this whole thing and I’m still crying. Thank you for listening and love you all 💗

I lied about having cancer in elementary school then karma kicked inVenting

i used to lie for fun as a child, partly because of a lack of attention from my parents but mainly because i just enjoyed it. it started with little ones such as my favorite color, having certain pets/siblings, etc. then one day it escalated to me lying about having certain illnesses and disorders. i didn't have any bad intentions, it was just a hobby to me and fun to see how far i could go with people's trust. however, what i didn't expect was for the few kids i told about having cancer to, to then tell their parents, and then the staff. they wanted to start a fundraiser for me, they wanted to start hanging up posters in the hallways with my school picture on it and a short paragraph saying i was suffering from ovarian cancer: all within one week. i was absolutely mortified. this went on for a few more days until my mom was phoned by another parent/friend, expressing their sympathy for her child's illness. i remember that day VIVIDLY. i was in the kitchen and she was in the basement, i heard her pick up the phone then shortly yell my name. i walked over to the steps and she asked if i told people i had cancer and i panicked. my mind at that point was so trained at making up lies i immediately told her that there was another girl with the same name that had cancer in my grade, and that we must have gotten confused. i heard her explain this to the mother on the phone and sighed of relief when she said "that poor girl" in reference to this "other girl with my name that had cancer". the next day i went into school and was confronted by the guidance counselor, who asked to speak with me. long story short, the other girl's mom was notified by a close friend and it all came circling back to me. she explained the boy who cried wolf and how lying can really hurt people. i came up with stupid excuses as a child does but what i would never expect is being diagnosed with ovarian cancer in college. seems like too much of a coincidence to me, i believe it's karma. so does my mom. shortly after that i was also diagnosed with a brain tumor, which seems like a cherry on top of the already deserved parfait of pay-back.

I wrote a love letter to my situation ship and left it on his car at 3am.Venting

I promise I am not a weirdo. A year ago I received a compliment from a guy dressed in all black. I look back and say thank you and he’s not looking at me anymore so I just walk away. I finish what I’m doing and my co worker comes to get me and says “ some guy just left you a flower, he said to give it to the girl with the Yeezys “. Not to gas myself but this has happened before but there was something about this particular rose that stuck with me. A couple months go by and once again I’m working and suddenly I’m passing by a male model. I’m telling you this man is so handsome. (Imagine 6’1, blonde, ripped, big lips, sweet smile, a captivating personality, and on top of that beautiful green eyes. He looked like a greek God) of course I don’t think he’s going to talk to me but he does! He asks me where something is and as soon as I look up at him is love at first sight for me. I get up trying to play it cool and direct him to what he’s looking for. He says thank you and smiles, and then I regretfully walk away. I go back to my work satiation finish up, go back out to the floor. And there he is, smiling and looking at me! He walks up to me and asks for my number. I told him I’d give him my instagram. I do that when I first want to know a guy before handing out my number. He followed me right away and I go smiling away at my phone to the bathroom to see his instagram. I was not at all disappointed, his instagram was filled with work out videos and photos. He was so fine I ain’t think much of it at first lmaoo. As I’m waiting for him to text I’m still stalking, but he does. He says “ I hope you’re having a great shift “. We get to talk or whatever and he asks me on a date. And I told him I love to drive so I’d go to him for our date.

Let me know for part 2.

I contaminated a customers drinkVenting

So I was a waitress at a white table top restaurant for three years, starting at the age of 19. I only worked breakfast shift. I had a table ask for grapefruit juice and it was the last of it that we had. I poured it into the fancy stemmed glass in the kitchen and noticed it was kind of dark and I started wondering if it had gone bad so I literally dipped my tongue into their glass to taste it and see. It was fine so I just proceeded to deliver their drink to their table without saying a word.

My creepy step dad wants me to TWERK in front of him..Venting

Me 19f, and my step dad is 48b. I really don’t know what to do, I want to tell my mother but I’m scared. 1 year ago my mother had escaped a bad relationship from my biological dad who was abusive all my life, and then she found my stepdad. Let’s call him jeff. I grew up liking dancing, having taken some classes I could say I’m pretty good at it. Usually when I’m comfortable around people I dance, I like doing this one dance with my mom and sisters that kinda looks like I’m twerking from the back. I DO NOT do that type of dance in front of men so please do not say I was doing it on purpose infront of him. my step dad does not know about that dance, or did. 4 weeks ago I was dancing with my little sister to some music while doing chores. No boys were around and it was just me and little sister, so I did the dance. I did not see my step dad walking into the house from the back door, not In till my sister stopped dancing and I looked behind me to see jeff standing there. I instantly stopped, obviously embarrassed and me and my sister went back to doing chores. That it not what I found creepy, but what I found really creepy and inappropriate was when a day later he asked to talk to me in his room. I really didn’t want to but I just wanted it to be over and done with, because I do not like him. once he brought me to his room he said blankly with a straight voice “why don’t you dance like that in front of me?” He said, I got really uncomfortable and left the room. Leaving the house with my car, I did not feel comfortable with him home alone so I left and went to a friends house. That wasn’t the first time he did something really creepy, another time was when I was taking a shower and I heard a knock so I yelled yes. I did not hear anything so I peeked my head from the shower only to see the door nob trying to be opened. Luckily it was locked. I knew it was him because after I yelled stop and he had the audacity to say“why is the door locked”. Like what the actual fuck, what do you think? after that I told my mom about it, saying she needs to set boundaries or I am leaving and going no contact. I know that was a little dramatic but I do not give a flying shit. He did so many creepy things to me, and my mom does nothing about it. the reason I’m scared to tell her, is because she genuinely loves this dude and I hate to be the reason she can’t find love.

I’m sorry for the end, I’m not good at English and I’m really not wanting to talk about this because I’m still trying to recover from him asking me that and the previous things he’s been doing. Right now I’m staying at my grandmas.

I'm addicted to destroy my socksVenting

When I was in elementary school, I started this habit of ripping my socks apart. I would pull the string that were poking out of the seam, but the more I picked, the more strings would come out. I would keep ripping them to try and make it look like the original sock again. But after a few times of doing this, it started to be fun for me. I don’t know why but I would just keep ripping the socks and putting the string behind my dresser.

When I got into middle school, my family and I moved to a new house. When we were moving out of the old house, my family took my dresser out the bedroom, and holy shit, the string was everywhere. My parents were PISSED, my mom started connecting the dots.

“No wonder why I haven’t seen that many pairs of your socks.” “That’s why there was string tangling our clothes in the dryer.” “I wondered why halfway throughout the day, you didn’t have socks on.”

After I was busted my mom told me she wouldn’t buy me socks anymore if I continued this behavior, so after awhile, I slowly stopped ripping my socks.


When I got into high school, I was so stressed out, I wasn’t a good student academically since I have dyslexia, so the thought school just made me feel so weak. One day I was in English class and I was supposed to read of chapters of our book, but I didn’t, and we had to do questions on it. I knew I would fail, I put my head down at my desk and out of the corner of my eye, there was a string. I started pulling again. This time I did it when I was stressed, and by this time I was making my own money so whatever socks I ripped up, I just bought another pair. Nothing could stop me now.

The Secrets of Royal Children's HavenFiction

I was born in January of 1962 in Winter Haven, Florida in a country estate. This was in Polk County, Florida. Right after birth, I was given to a woman who basically adopted me illegally. She had other secrets which I later discovered.. Joan Jack loved kids but could never have any. She was engaged to be married but broke off the relationship. It was probably just as well.

Her father, my grandfather was Martin Jack was a prominent judge in Polk County. My adoption had been carefully planned. Joan Jack Wilson went away for a couple of years to get a master degree in social work and everyone was told that she had married. She came back two years later and quietly adopted me. Everyone assumed she married a man named Bob Wilson in Las Vegas and that the marriage didn't work out. She told people he cheated on her and ran off with another woman.

What was strange was she went back to her maiden name of Jack and I was named Nancy Jack. My original birth certificate showed that she was my mother and Bill Wilson was my father. However my name was Nancy Jack on the amended birth certificate. She made sure everything was legally filed even though the adoption was illegal.

I couldn't ask for a better mother. Joan, my mom loved me, took good care of me. She did tell me that I was adopted as she couldn't physically have children. She didn't know much about my biological mother but that she was 18 years old and was attending college in Washington D.C. She never talked about Bill Wilson who supposedly was my adoptive father and she would get angry if I mentioned him, so I dropped it.

In December of 1962, she adopted another daughter who she named Siobathan Jack. Siobathan and me mostly got along. However, we looked very different. Like me, Siobathan was adopted illegally.

I was about 5'7 and I had blonde hair and green eyes. Siobathan had red hair and brown eyes. She was about 5'0. We didn't look alike and no one expected us too as it was common knowledge that we were adopted.

We lived in the best neighborhood in Polk County. The Jack family had a lot of money and were a prominent family. Some of the money came from the Citrus industry. But most of the money came from other sources. This money allowed us to live a much higher standard of living than we would have normally. Grandpa lived in a nice part of Polk County but the neighborhood that we lived in was one of the most wealthiest in Polk County and certainly Florida.

We lived in a place named Royal Children's Estates. It was a strange place though. All of the parents who lived there weren't the biological parents of the children who lived there. They were paid to take care of the children. Very good money. In order to take care of us, they had to have royal blood or ties to royalty. There were a few single moms who were the biological mother. Me and Siobathan were the only children who were adopted. I later found out that the good money was to keep their silence and the silence they kept for a very long time as this Estate had been around for decades, nearly 100 years.

There were so many children that the Estates had its own school system. Very good schools. At school we have classes on horsemanship. One thing which was clear was that we didn't talk about being different than others. We were. By the time Siobathan and I were 13 years old we figured it out.

Back in the day, this place was so well hidden that many in Polk County didn't know we existed. The ones who did were the wealthy and powerful who benefited from the Estate being there.

I will never forget the day I turned 18. It was January 2, 1980. I was invited to have lunch with Countess Bernice. The Countess was the child of an American Actress and a German Baron's son. She was born in 1902 and had lived much of her life there.

She told me what I had figured out. I was of royal blood which was a requirement of living at the Children's Estate. My biological mother was a blue blood whose family was on the social register and who came over on the Mayflower. My biological father was heir to the throne in Finland.

In December Siobathan got the lunch invite. Her biological mother was of Irish nobility and her father was the head of the Irish Chieftains. Her biological father was Jewish. The pair had met in Boston in college. Her family had managed to keep this out of the press. Her biological father didn't know that she existed nor did he know that she was of Irish nobility. Her bio mother was forbidden to ever see or contact him again.

On our 18th birthday, both of us got a large sum of money deposited in our bank account. This was to keep our silence. Given that this estate had been around for 100 years, I was surprised that this was kept secret for so long but money talks.

Mom also told us the truth about Bill Wilson. He never existed. Neither of us were surprised. While it wasn't illegal for a single woman to adopt, it just wasn't done in 1962. Because grandpa was a judge who handled adoptions, mom knew exactly what to do. Filed the paperwork properly. No one noticed. The truth was mom never married. It didn't matter as we had a very good life.

She knew about the royal estates. The women were brought to the estate where they gave birth in a fancy home. Most weren't adopted out but taken care of as I stated earlier. The names of those who raised the children was put on the birth certificate as the bio parents. Our grandmother Lila Jack was friends with the Countess which is how my mom got us. Money is why this secret was kept for so long but it wouldn't be forever. It was understood that we weren't to contact any of the royals we were related to as we were out of sight, out of mind for them.

Back when we were growing up this area was quite rural but the population of Polk County had grown. We weren't quite as rural.

The secrets of the Estates were revealed when a blue blood was killed in an accident caused by a NFL player. This was in 1995. The victim Bradford Windsberry was the son of socialite Barbara Windsberry. He was my half-brother as I found out when I saw a picture of myself on the cover of a tabloid magazine. Scandal at Royal Children's Estate. Love Child of King Mars of Finland and Socialite Barbara Madison Windsberry revealed. This was about a month after Bradford's death.. The whole magazine unraveled the stories that had been kept secret for nearly 100 years. There were also pages of the family tree.

The last article was about a former girlfriend of a Eastern European Prince who had agreed to raise a child that he had as a result of a one night stand. The former girlfriend Lili Rogers agreed to do this as she couldn't have children.

All of the royal households of Europe had a connection to the Royal Children's Estate. Most of the royalty were on the lower rungs of royal society but a few like me (being the daughter of a King) and my sister (being the granddaughter of the Chief Irish Chieftain) were high up there. Me and Siobathan were talked about for weeks.

Things started to change in the 1970's when access to the pill caused a significant decline in the children being born. By the 1970's, there was virtually no children born there. By 1980, they had opened up the Estate to non-royals. In 1980, 100% of those living there had some royal blood in their ancestry. The Jacks were related to King Charles I who had several mistresses. By 1995, it was down to 5% as most of the children born there had left.

By this time I had moved out of Royal Children's Estate and was living in Tampa, married with 3 kids. Siobathan was a teacher at the royal children's Estate school. She loved it there. Mom still lived there.

She tried to call me and tell me about the article in the tabloid but I had already read the article and I was in shock. I couldn't get to my house as news reporters were in front of my home wanting to interview me. My husband was furious, he yelled at them to get off his property and had to call for a police escort for me to get home. I have no comment I said over and over again.

Reporters were all over the entrance to the Estates. Wasn't long before we got court papers requesting that we testify in court even though we didn't know Bradford Windsberry.

The European royalty weren't happy. They were quite angry about all this being revealed. They got back at the NFL player who revealed their secrets. They made sure his dirty secrets were revealed. In the end he had to admit that he used drugs while playing football. Several ex-girlfriend testified that he cheated on them. One ex-wife also said this. He was forced to admit this. He had to admit that he stole money from a former employer and stole money from his team mates and also his family so that he could buy drugs

It was sudden but the NFL player rather than have a trial admitted to being drunk when he hit Bradford Windsberry as he was walking on a cross walk. We never were called to testify which was good. He was sentenced 20 to 30 years in prison.

I remember mom saying that she was surprised that the royals didn't have the player knocked off. She had heard that a few of the Royal Household had considered sending someone to take care of him and have even plotted to do so but they decided against it as they would be blamed for this.

In the end Siobathan found out her bio father had died several years before but she has contact with her bio mother and their family. As for me, I have contact with my bio mother and my half siblings and I've met my bio father once. We had a brief conversation and that was it.

Entitled Karen stole my cycle and cut it's tyres Story-related

Hello this happened with me last year me 10m and there was a Karen child she had problems with everyone I am not kidding everyone one one day I was roaming with my cycle then the Karen child came she said umm ... Can I have your cycle I have to do some work with it I gave her my cycle after half a hour later she came with my cycle with no air in the tyres and I started crying and she said look look Mama's boy is crying than I stood up than called my mother and her mother they had a argument than the Karen child caused me that "I" also did the same but she was so dumb she didn't have a cycle than her father and mother "scolded" her and the next day I saw that her father was saying that why did you just puncture the tyres why not break in half i was

I fake dyslexia with my customers to avoid countingVenting

I am literally just stupid. Like really fckn dumb. When I’m cashing someone out and then they decide to go “oh wait I have 68 cents”, my brain turns off and I can’t do the math. I don’t want to pull out my calculator either. I often say “oh sorry I can’t add that change in because the system needs to count every coin/bill”… not true. Other times they go to hand me the change and then I freeze and look confused. The customer can tell and is able to tell me exactly what I need to give them back and I just go “oh sorry I’m dyslexic!” I usually just go off of what the customer tells me and pray they’re not ripping me off and as soon as they leave I double check with my calculator. I hate to fake a disability but the absolute embarrassment and harassment I get from some of these customers is excruciating. When I tell them I’m dyslexic they kind of relax a little bit and apologize for being rude.