TL;DR: Is going from 0% nic vapes to no vapes harder then quitting nicotine, and are they just as unhelathy as nicotine vapes ?

Some backstory: I've been hooked on nicotine for two years now. Ever since i got addicted i wanted to stop, as it the effects that it has on my body and mind are very bad. When i smoke/vape i feel really anxious, my heart beats too fast and my chest feels heavy. Of course it wasn't like this every day, but it was still a problem.

Anyways, for the past year i've only been vaping. I started with 2% nicotine, went down to 1% a month ago, and im finally at 0%. My logic was with vaping that i could lower my nicotine intake, but keep the habit of smoking. There is no nicotine hit, but at least the habit is satisfied.

I've been 4 days clean, and it's honestly not that bad. I get cravings and get angry all of a sudden sometimes, but it's managable.

But i started having the following thoughts: My last attempts at qutting have always lasted less than a day, but this attempt is going smoothly. Which could mean that the hardest part in qutting is the habit. But i still have the habit with the 0% nic vapes, so im not really doing anything. So if im not really doing anything, why don't i just start smoking vapes with nicotine again ?

I understand that these thoughts are just there so that i can get back on nicotine, but they are bothering me.

Also i dont really post on reddit so sorry if i did something wierd 👍