I had a CS3 for bumping into my friends ship and destroying it trying to load the hoverquad into a Hercules.

I arrived at grim hex and went straight to clear my CS and just as I was about to get towards my last bar I was shot.

I instantly alt f4'd and tried again on a new server and it all went smoothly. Combat logging is your friend folks, don't spend 20 minutes getting sent to prison just to feed an ego.

EDIT; Moral of the story is that nobody gives a fuck if you got an unjust crimestat, they just want to see you go to prison for their egos. Point has been proven

Edit 2: Let me run back what happened for everyone:

I went to Clio to load up my hoverquad in my friends Hercules. As I was bring the quad up the ramp there was some janky physics that caused me and my friend to die. We were in the same party. I ended up respawning at grim hex so I went to SPK straight away. I was able to get inside and almost got to the final bar of the hack before I got shot from behind. I did not engage in pvp, nor did I even see/shoot the player that incapacitated me.

So why should I not instantly alt-f4? I should not have gotten a crime stat. I did not fight nor damage anyone. I am literally the victim of the game.

The changes in 3.18 to SPK will exacerbate this issue.